STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Week Ago, A Year Ago

Yesterday afternoon, I was thinking about the fact that it was almost the last day of November. Obsessed with all things NaNo, I only looked at this as it related to finishing my 50k words.

Then I realized that it was also November 29th. Kind of a big day around here.

A week ago, Joe woke me up in horrible pain and eventually had his appendix out. What a difference a week has made! He's recovering very well, down to one ibuprofen a day, more or less, and he's a lot happier that he's awake and coherent more often. He's still tiring out easily but we're both sleeping better and he continues to improve. I'm so thankful about this!

A year ago, I left my job of 9+ years. My feelings about that are a lot less clear. Absence has not made the heart grow fonder - I don't miss them even the slightest bit. But I have to admit the last 12 months have not gone as planned. We thought Joe would have a new job by now, that possibly we would've relocated. He applies and often gets called for interviews. And then for various reasons, it doesn't work out. He's even turned down several offers. I've started trying to build up some freelancing work, which is going very slowly. I haven't made any progress on my weight loss. I've been doing a lot of writing. I've been doing a lot of crafting. I've been doing a lot of learning. But I'm not where I think I should be considering the last 12 months have been traditional job-free.

And so, a week ago, a year ago, big days. But now, I'm more interested in a week from now, a year from now. Maybe my word for 2012 should be "forward."


Toriz said...

Maybe you aren't where you wanted to be, but perhaps you're right where you're meant to be? That's what I keep being told, anyway...

TMC said...

The year's been bumpy but consider that a year is an arbitrary period of time. Still, let us work diligently to make next year one of progress.

betty said...

It is probably a good thing you are away from your job because I know that it was a very stressful environment for you to be in. It is interesting how we plan and think things will work out and how they work out totally different. It is not quite a year wince we moved down here and the major change of hubby quitting his job, etc. Hardly anything went the way he thought it would go, but by the grace of God we're not destitute. These days with the way the economy is, etc, I think it is so hard to get a job especially if one is very experienced in their line of work and older (speaking of hubby not of Joe being old). It is daunting!

Forward is a good word for 2012. I'm going with "hope" I think.

Glad to hear Joe is doing better and feeling better and you can see the progress made in pain control and more sleepful nights!


Tami said...

That is a good outlook - keep facing forward and moving on. Favorite line from Lion King - "It doesn't matter, it's in the past."

My year has not gone at all as I thought (hoped) it would, but it doesn't do any good to dwell on it and mope.

Hope the new year (or the rest of this one) brings great opportunities for you and Joe!

Unknown said...

I always mean to get here during the week...but this week has been extremely crazy. I LOVE this post. You know I can use my blog as a journal and the past year has been like yours... only I now have a son-in-law (on 8 weeks worth of wedding prep) a daughter in Germany, a grandchild on the way, a new wedding in the works (other child), quit a job of 10 years.
Are you sure I'm not you?

Unknown said...

Forward...I like that! You can't change what was so go forth with the intention to change what is to become.