STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Lovely Weekend

The weekend isn't over yet but so far it's been really great. It's been so long since Joe and I were able to spend a whole weekend just sorta wandering around without a schedule, enjoying being together.

I'm off to find more weekend things to be grateful for - the day is young!


betty said...

So glad you guys are enjoying this weekend!! I look forward to hearing details as you share them, including who you went to see!


C. Beth said...

Sometimes I totally need to be reminded why I liked my husband in the first place. :) Some good, quality time together is such a great thing--so glad you & Joe got that this weekend.

Kimmy said...

Awesome!! Those kind of weekends are the best, huh?! Hopfully you found some more fun things to enjoy :o)

Unknown said...

Those kind of relaxed trips are always so wonderful. I'm really glad that you took the time to be a wandering soul and enjoy yourselves.