STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Breaking From My Rut

I may have mentioned previously that my husband sometimes refers to me as "rut girl". That's because I love my ruts. Routine is comforting. For awhile, I couldn't break from routine even in the simplest of ways without coming completely unglued. Medication Therapy My amazing coping skills have made things a lot better but I'm still more often to make a choice to stay in the rut most of the time.

So yesterday, I ventured outside of my rut. I went to the library to meet up with complete strangers and write. When I arrived, it turns out the other faceless names from the internet were men. We barricaded ourselves in a tiny room with no windows and spent two hours barely speaking, just working on our respective projects. After typing up a couple thousand words, I then drove home.

To most of you, this is no big deal. To me? A big deal.

I left home without really needing to do so. I met two strangers, who happened to be men, without feeling at all anxious and without stuttering or stupidity. I was crammed in a tiny enclosed space for two hours without claustrophobia. And then I drove home after dark despite my night blindness.

Today, I'm grateful for progress. A few weeks ago, while Joe was out of town, I met a friend (really, she's more of his friend if you want to get technical) for dinner one evening. All of these things are outside my rut. I pushed myself to make the harder (for me) choice. And it went well.

I can't help but feel a little proud about that.

Now? I'm off to the bookstore. Look at me go!


JosephAlsarraf said...

Ya, I know what you mean. I always end up following some sort of daily routine. : )

Unknown said...

I am a "rut girl" too! You should be proud and I am proud of you as well! Getting outside of the comfort zone is hard. I'm glad you recent ventures have worked out.

Toriz said...

Go Cate, Go! That's awesome! :)

betty said...

You go girl! I'm the same, so I totally understand; good that you did get out of your rut and comfort zone! Its a great world out there to explore!!!


C. Beth said...

GOOD FOR YOU!! I think it is a big deal, doing things that would normally be uncomfortable for you...and doing them bravely! Most of us need to do that more often!

21 Wits said...

I think having a couple of ruts are good for keeping us on track, but I'm a major spontaneous person who travels out of my comfort zone as often as possible..doing those unexpected things. Meeting new people,new ideas, differences, always bring new out of the rut experiences...but I'd be a mess without some of my routine moments, that are the backbone to me! I'm working on thinking more about ME lately, instead of being such a caretaker around me, cuz only I can make me happy, and only I know what I really need. Steve Jobs has a few quotes out there that really motivate me.....I guess I'm saying rejoice in you and several of your ruts, (it's YOU) but yeah "You go girl...." I think that writing assignment was just fantastic! Way to go!

Cynthia said...

Yes! I decided to attempt to become rut-free. The first challenge was to take a different
route home and right away I met people that I would like in my life.
An old friend from high school - how she recognized me I'll never know and a woman who in working in
the same field as I am.