STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Monday, January 26, 2009

SWYMM: Anesthesia Edition

Say What You Mean Mondays - actual quotes from actual people. People who often have at least one foot in their mouth.

Time for another edition of Say What You Mean Monday. This time, more words from me but under the influence of anesthesia during various tests, surgeries, etc.

"Where are my implants? Couldn't you just give me breast implants while you were in there?" - "In there"? They had removed my wisdom teeth.

"I want a cheeseburger. Get me a cheeseburger. We have to stop for a cheeseburger!!!" - Also after wisdom teeth.

"Are you ok? Cate, are you ok? Cate, wake up!" - Joe's words, after I passed out and bonked my head.

"Where are my implants? I wanted implants!" - At least this was somewhat related to the procedure (breast lump removal).

"What did the doctor say? What did he say about allergies? Did the doctor come by? I really thought the doctor would talk to us." - I tend to repeat myself in these situations. I asked poor Joe about the doctor at least a dozen times until he finally refused to answer me until later that night.

"I'm not even saying anything stupid this time! Aren't you proud? I'm not even talking about implants or cheeseburgers!"


The Wife O Riley said...

One time after anesthesia I was so mean I was swearing at the nurses.

kim said...

you always give me a laugh Cate :)
the day I was to have my mastectomy, as I was going under the anesthesia,the doctor asked me for the 'winning lotto numbers" I thought that was bizarre and a great attempt to send me under with a grin considering the circumstances..

after the surgery when I was trying to resurface, I was holding a conversation (so I'm told) with a couple of the nurses, and I remember giggling..but not sure about

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

You must really want those implants!

After Hubby had his colonoscopy, he kept passing gas (somthing about air in the procedure...?). It was loud, and every time he did it, he looked around like, "who is doing that?" He totally thought it was a nurse behind the curtain.

The Blonde Duck said...

LOL! Love the implants one. After my wisdom teeth I apparantly kept babbling about when I could work out again.

Call Me Cate said...

Wife O Riley - You, mean? I truly can't imagine it. If you let your husband live after photographing you with a migraine, there's no way you could be mean.

Kimber - That's cool that your doctor tried to put you in a happy mood as you drifted off to Neverland. I never remember the things I do but Joe gets great joy out of telling me about them later.

Ryan - Too funny about your husband. The poor nurses. And yeah, apparently I'm obsessed with implants on some really subconscious level.

Blonde Duck - I wish I would babble about things as normal as working out.

Unknown said...

I am totally getting implants.

Anonymous said...

Oh could be my twin! I have the anxiety attacks, too. Your blog is adorable!

April said...

Anesthesia just makes me cry...and puke!

I really can't decide if I'm getting implants or not! Some days I'm happy just the way I am...then I watch Rock of Love Tour Bus and think I'll just die if I don't get some!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! I HATE anesthesia and the after-effects. It makes me crazy loopy where I even forget to breath...not fun.

My cousin always starts flirting w/ the nurses...hahaha!

Anonymous said...

anesthesia is scary!

Maybe you can make some implants out of cheeseburgers?

Call Me Cate said...

That's it - group discount on cheeseburger implants!!!

Mena said...

haha one day after getting surgery by boyfriend was being pushed around in a wheelchair and kept making the "beep beep beep" nosie whenever they backed him up. it was hilarious to watch

Call Me Cate said...

Way too funny, Mena. I can totally see Joe doing that. Or, umm, maybe me...

Lesha said...

When I was a research coordinator I sat through a LOT of colonoscopies with my research patients and oh the stories! Like the nice old lady who swore like a sailor while under sedation! I've only been under once myself for wisdom teeth (hey, and I didn't get any implants either) but I don't really remember saying anything funny.

Anonymous said...

ugh, wisdom teeth removal, the worst! I also passed out when i got home, not cool!

Ronnica said...

I'm really don't handle being under sedation well, either. When I had my adenoids out when I was 9, I apparently woke up screaming and flailing, asking for my dad. It took 3 nurses to hold me down!