STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009


While killing time working diligently on a project at work, I chatted with SomeMonkey. She, in turn, was cleaning papers off her desk at home that hadn't been dealt with in a couple of years.
SomeMonkey: oh no
there's a baby announcement in here
me: uh oh
you had a baby!?!?!?
someone wanted to give you one??!?!
SomeMonkey: hell to the no
me: wait
why didn't you send me a gift for my baby?!?!
SomeMonkey: psh
me: i kept waiting for you to acknowledge it
SomeMonkey: had i SEEN it, i wouldn't have sent a gift
me: not even for MY baby?
wow, you are SO not my BFF anymore
SomeMonkey: okay
a) you're not having a baby at the moment, crack head
b) you are not the one who sent this
To which I say - Oh YEAH?!?!

Because really I didn't have much of a comeback. Damn.


blognut said...

Well... it could have been from you, I guess.

And she totally should have acknowledged it and sent you a gift.

Sassy Britches said...

SomeMonkey = 1. Cate = 0. Better luck next time! :P

Dr.John said...

You do have fun don't you.

mo.stoneskin said...

Of course, the ultimate way to deal with not having a comeback is to answer a pretend phone call on your mobile (cell) and chat away to an imaginary friend.

Leah Rubin said...

Blow me away-- I can hardly keep up!

The Wife O Riley said...

"Well, I don't have a baby now, I had to sell it because you didn't give me a gift!"