STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Planning ahead

The Fall television season is upon us. Welcome back, old friends. Amazing Race, The Mentalist, The Office & 30 Rock, Mythbusters. I've missed you so! Perhaps I'll make new friends with Flash Forward or Glee. (Though Glee is already looking to be on my nerves so maybe not.)

In our home, we are well-prepared. The DVR is clear of leftover summer cable fillers like Mystery Diagnosis, Haunted, and Chopped. The big television is in working order. And Joe has arranged for our futon to be donated to Goodwill today.

Wait, what?

The facts are these (oh how sad I am for no return of Pushing Daisies) - Joe decided that since we were donating the loveseats downstairs (that we replaced with the Recliners of Death), he'd also have them take the futon at the same time. It's not in great shape, a Kmart special from 1998 in our first apartment and we did talk about replacing it. However, the futon is our only furniture in the tv-watching room.

Never fear, on Saturday Joe also ordered a new futon for that room. It will be delivered to the house in four to six weeks.

Anyone else see any issue with this? It could be the "four to six weeks" part. Am I wrong in thinking it was a bit of a planning failure?

Way to prepare for the Fall tv season. You can tell who rules the remote in our house - and who apparently feels furniture is completely optional.


Anonymous said...

Haha. Like you, I like furniture. the fall tv shows are the best! I'm looking forward to 30 Rock big time!

Eternal Lizdom said...

Think of it as an opportunity for creativity. You can recreate Joey and Chandler's apartment on Friends. Or you can put an air matress to good use. Or see what you can do with a few of those foam finger matress pads... maybe a bubble wrap theme?

Sassy Britches said...

Ah, channel your inner kid. Big floor pillows! Woo-hooooooo!

Leah Rubin said...

You'll be all right regarding furniture, it's the shared loss of "Pushing Daisies" that could be lethal. We totally adored each and every one of those characters. The writing was rich, and we miss it so much! Good show, killed by the writer's strike, I believe...

mo.stoneskin said...

To be fair on the poor chap, if I know anything, and I do know a lot, it is sod's law that if the futon was ordered 4-6 weeks ago there would then be an inexplicable delay of 4-6 weeks, meaning the same result. I reckon Joe is a genious who knew this.

Wait, the 'recliners of death' are not in the tv-room? If there is one place one should die while reclining it is surely in the tv-room. Or a burger bar.

betty said...

I see a quick trip to Wal-Mart, K-Mart or Target for some bean bags :)

wow 4-6 weeks; that must be some futon :)


Housewife Savant said...

So you're sitting on the floor to watch television. Who isn't?

Furniture is over-rated.

So is comfort.

If I admitted that our household has no DVR would I embarrass myself?
Would all the cool kids laugh at me?
Everyone who has a DVR.
Equals everyone.

Except us.

Somebody talk to my Mr.
He's not hearing me.

InspiredDreamer said...

One word: Beanbags.

kim said...

Glee- one more reason why I ADORE, my dvr is so overworked with Dancing with the Stars, The Office, Ghost Hunters, Family Guy...oh, what else....Dexter (I can watch that on the ondemand though, thats cool).

I am addicted to TV, always have been, always will be...:)

2cats said...

Are the words blurry? They should be my tears are falling. I no longer get tv reception. I get (sometimes) one channel, the local channel. It has mostly infomercials on it. We can't afford to get satellite, so we no longer get to watch our favorite shows. You must report on The Mentalist, and ALL of the CSI shows. I will miss them.
The floor can't be all bad, as long as you have tv to watch.

blognut said...


What are those?

quilly said...

We moved to this island temporarily. Moving on and off an island is expensive. I have been two years without living room furniture. My desk is a folding table. My dining room set belongs to the landlord, as does the bedroom dresser. We do own a top quality bed.