STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Not Responsible

Stay back 200 feet - Not Responsible for broken windshields
I saw that on the back of a big construction truck on the way to work and it made me think. WHY are they not responsible? Just because they said so? If they aren't properly securing their load, isn't that negligent on their part? I'd think it takes more than a little painted message to absolve them of responsibility.

Roadway not properly maintained - Not Responsible if bridge collapses

Chicken not cooked to temperature - Not Responsible if you become ill
What "Not Responsible" sign would you like? I think mine would be:
In a bad mood - Not Responsible if I punch you in the face
Personal responsibility is WAY overrated.


Cindy said...

Good point. Nobody wants to be responsible for anything. I'll think of one.

Wait. What about the McDonald's thing, when that person sued for burning themself on their hot coffee...did their coffee cup say "Totally hot coffee. Not responsible if you spill it in your crotch and burn yourself." ??

You are making me really enjoy the word 'punch'. I sit here saying it to myself out loud, enjoying the punchy sound of it. Punch. Sounds way better than slap or smack. Hehehe.

C. Beth said...

I'd like this one: Traveling with small children. Not responsible if airplane is louder or stinkier than usual.

My dad got a nice-sized crack in his windshield on the way to pick me up from the airport due to a truck carrying gravel or something. His insurance company willingly took the responsibility, but what a nice thought for the truck to take it....

Oh, and remember when the cable company cut through our sprinkler line? They are paying for it! The Engineer just asked them to a couple of weeks ago. They inspected it and are sending us a check. I couldn't believe it was so easy! Nice when a company DOES take responsibility.

Autumn said...

I could see this getting out of hand and people making bumper stickers that say "Not responsible for wrecks caused by distraction of cellular device." Lol. (Found you through One Minute Writer)

kim said...

omg Cate--this couldn't be more relevant for what just happened to us on the way home from Florida a couple of weeks ago. We were on N95
and I was asleep in the front, I was awakened by what I thought was large hailstones banging on our car and when I sat up, something very large struck our windshield and cracked it right in the middle.
We were behind a semi that had a trailer behind it to carry dozers, and the bed of it was loaded with rocks and debris. We tried 3 times to pass that asswipe and get around him, but he would speed up and get in front of us again, so we were pretty much at his mercy.
So I got out my notepad and took down all the information on the truck and as he got off on his exit, we called our insurance company, told them what happened and then proceeded to call the trucker's employer to tell them what happened.
Basically what happened over the course of the next week was that we were called liars and that all 4 of us in our car were seeing things. We replaced our windshield at our expense and that sucked. The trucking company said that had there been a police report they might have reconsidered. anyway, that's my long

Autumn said...

Two words for ya Kimber: Video Phone. Granted you never know when that sort of thing will happen but if you video or take pics of the truck speeding by you and passing you constantly (or if you're lucky other crap falling off the back of the truck) you win. The cops believe you and your story because you have proof and if you have to get a police report (always advised by the way) even when the truck is long gone, you have your pics. (just make sure the driver isnt taking the pics! lol)
My mom taught me to keep a camera in the car at all times, even if it's just a disposable one. Because you truly never know when you will need to take pics of a wreck or something.

quilly said...

I recently visited a beauty shop which should have had this sign in the window: Not responsible for the condition of your hair when you leave here. And I want a sign that reads, Not responsible for paying the bill if I don't like the quality of your work.

Matty said...

Nice observations.

Here's some more:

"Not responsible if this building falls on you"

"Not responsible if this airplane crashes"

"Not responsible if our wheels fall off your car at 65 MPH"

soulbrush said...

i wish i could say 'i am not responsible' at work sometimes, wouldn't that be great? problem is that i do feel responsible and always will ---sigh.

2cats said...

Mine is simple...

Not responsible.

Smellyann said...


Leah Rubin said...

How about "Not responsible for making you happy-- we all have to do that for ourselves."

Call Me Cate said...

That's because my commenters are the awesomest. I would never punch them in the face. At least, not without a sign absolving me from responsibility...

Housewife Savant said...

How interesting...

"Grouchy daycare lady - If your kid fusses in public I'll rabbit punch him/her and give you a lecture on the merits of PARENTING."

It'd be kind of a big sticker, but after I punched the screaming child I'm betting I'd have the udivided attention for the lecture portion.

I should add; "That'll be $35."

AudreyO said...

And at least here in CA, contract pretty much mean nothing with a good lawyer.

blognut said...

I think I'll just go with a sign that says, "NOT RESPONSIBLE," and leave it at that.