STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

First Fursday: Interview Part 1 (and Part BEST!)

For this edition of First Fursday, our long-haired human asked her readers for questions. Since there were so many great questions, I'm going to answer half of them today and Rusty will answer the leftovers (in the order they were submitted) tomorrow.

Lora: Do they ever not use the litterbox?

I am a champion litter-box user. Rusty sometimes has issues though - he likes to poo in the tub. I don't quite get it myself - it's a lot of effort to jump over the side of the tub when the litter box is only two feet away. The vet says he's just expressing his displeasure about something. Maybe Prop8 or global warming.

Comedy Goddess: What's it like to have 9 lives?

We have no idea how many lives Rusty has since he came from the streets. I keep hoping he's about out because I really don't like having him around. In that way, I think having 9 lives sorta sucks. But for me, it's great. I've only used one or two so I'm pretty sure I'm going to live forever.

Andy: Does mummy ever give you catnip for her own amusement? if not, maybe you should ask for some so that the next time her and the short haired human go away for the weekend the hours will just fly by!

Oh, I know you - you're the president of my fan club! Hello there! We're not allowed to have catnip unsupervised. Something to do with puking in shoes and me on top of the fireplace mantle? However, catnip is part of our traditional Christmas activities. After playing with the papers and ribbons, humans sit back and cut us loose with new druggy toys. It's a good life.

Pooba - Do they rub against every doorway in the house? All the corners on my doorways are black from the cats rubbing up against them! Seriously, do you have to rub against everything?

Yes, yes we do have to rub against everything. Perhaps if you would wash your cats every so often, they wouldn't leave grime everywhere. Of course, I only suggest this if you are referring to Rusty. Or any other cat who is not me.

Beth: Favorite food?

Myself, I'm a big fan of most of the classics but some of my more non-traditional picks include pumpkin, whipped cream, honey ham (which is bad for me) and salad greens. Rusty eats cat food and spiders.

Betty: How do they feel about dogs? friend or foe??

Tasty with ketchup? I haven't had much experience with dogs. They smell funny and make a lot of noise, sort of like children. I tend to hide under the bed in those situations. Rusty plays fetch so I think he'd actually like your dog. He's weird like that.

Tomorrow, I have to let Rusty use the computer to answer his questions. Ladies first though so I'll be sleeping in. I'm sure he won't be nearly as interesting as me but he generally isn't.


Sassy Britches said...

I heart Tonya. She's sassy. Plus, she's against Prop8, so that girl's got brains too.

betty said...

thanks Tonya for answering my question; sending Koda and ketchup your way :)

cute answers to very interesting questions; poor Rusty; he's got to get over his issue of litter boxes when it comes to poo


mo.stoneskin said...

But wait, I thought it was birds that ate the spiders and cats that ate the birds. You're breaking the natural rhyming chain, the consequences are unknown, though one bleeding-edge scientific study suggests that cat's that eat spiders will be eaten by gorillas.

Leah Rubin said...

Oh my gosh, this is amazing! Thanks for the fun! Rusty is so talented, too!

C. Beth said...

Very funny post. Tonya, you're talented. One more question--do you miss your "mom & dad" when they're out of town, or do you use the opportunity to try to get away with stuff?

blognut said...

Tonya, you are one rockin' kitty cat.

I can't wait to hear what Rusty has to say about you now.