STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My least favorite season

Ahh, the change of seasons... From "sweat my balls off" (not that I even have balls) to "election season".

Ha, you thought this was going to be a post about the first day of Fall, didn't you?

On the drive to work yesterday morning, I noticed it almost immediately. Overnight, little candidate yard signs had been hard at work procreating and littering the streets. Red, blue, green, they were in every direction like an exploded monkey piñata.

I just don't get the point of these signs. Besides being ugly and a waste of materials that just end up in landfills or streams, they really serve no purpose except to appease hot neighbors.

Really, since "green" is important to me, I think I'm going to start counting signs for each candidate. Then I'll vote for the one with the least amount of crap spewing forth on my streets.

Pumpkin spice lattes, colored leaves, and political yard signs. Yep, it's definitely Fall.


TMC said...

Where can I find one of these exploding monkey pinatas?

Anonymous said...

I just had 3 people come to my house yesterday and ask if they could put that crap in my yard...

No thanks!

Lindy said...

Yeah, like putting a sign in a yard is going to influence who I vote for! More than likely who I am not going to vote for!

Eternal Lizdom said...

I haven't noticed them yet around here... but I'm sure they are coming!

Everyday Goddess said...

But it's better than the candidates going door to door, right?

mo.stoneskin said...

You should rip them down and put them in a mighty war chest. Then if any of the candidates come to your door you take them to the chest and threaten to lock them in it unless they take it all to a recycling depot.

betty said...

actually I think they put the signs up because they realize there will be some ill-informed voters who go to vote and vote on name recognition only.


cherie said...

ah yeah, you gad me fooled for a sec, catey cate. :)

C. Beth said...

"Red, blue, and green" signs? Clearly you shouldn't vote for any signs that are green. That's SO un-American. Stick with red, white, and blue (preferably with a prominent flag) and you should be fine. ;)

Renata said...

It's fall somewhere? HAH. 80 degrees and humid says otherwise. You wouldn't know it here if it weren't for those stupid signs. I'd rather have the pinata.

Amy said...

Hehehehe that's a good way to pick the candidate to vote for :]

Matty said...

I agree with you. I certainly don't vote for someone based on having seen their sign, or vote for the candidate with the most signs. I doubt that other people do either.

Let's put up a sign protesting signs.

Unknown said...

i had this really witty comment regarding visual pollution, but then i noticed TMC talking about exploding monkey pinatas and now i'm all wtf?


blognut said...

I kinda like seeing the signs in my neighbors yards. Then I can get all judgey about who they're going to vote for, and I can sort out which ones are idiots.