STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Mousecapades, Part 2

And PLEASE, let this be the final installment. Not everything needs to be a trilogy.

If you missed Part 1, please check out yesterday's post. Though, really, you should be reading my blog every single day so you don't miss anything. Summary: a mouse was hanging out in our pantry and after far too much time and effort, Joe was able to capture him and set him free in the woods behind our house, on the other side of the fence.

So last night, we set out disinfecting the pantry but had to first remove the few items remaining inside. I pulled out a box of Cheerios and was greeted by this:

No freaking way. I screeched. "He's back!!!" And Joe had to see for himself.

Joe tried once again to catch the mouse and set him free without harming him but the little critter refused to be caught. Let's just say that this particular mouse will not be visiting our pantry again any time soon, unless you believe in mouse-ghosts.

Now I'm wondering - is it more comforting to think that this was the same mouse and they're just that smart or to think that maybe this was a completely different mouse who found his way inside?

After much deliberation and weighing of pros and cons, I've decided to believe that it was the same mouse. I think he found such a feast in our pantry that he made sure he knew his way back. I also think Joe talked so nicely to him in order to sweet talk mousey safely into the box that Mr. Mouse decided they were now BFFs. Also, I cannot bear the thought that maybe there is an entire family of mice that are just going to continue hanging out, one by one, in my pantry.

Please, let there be no need for additional posts about mice.


Anonymous said...

Hopefully you won't have any more mice or mouse-ghosts visiting your pantry!

Juniper Saltus said...

We used to get mice in our house all the time when I was a kid and lived out in the middle of nowhere. Our cat would just sit there and watch them eat out of his bowl! I guess not all cats have that "kill instinct" when it comes to mouse hunting. Hopefully no more mice find their way into your home!

Jazzbumpa said...

No way on God's green earth is this the same mouse. Sorry. They get married, have kids, and travel together just like the rest of us.

You deported one, and executed the other. Let's hope they hadn't yet sprouted another generation.

Damned rodents!

C. Beth said...

YIKES. I shall have a moment of silence for the poor dead mouse.

Jeanie said...

Definately the same mouse! Well, I guess you will find out soon anyway.

Betty W said...

I think NOT the same mouse. I agree with Jazzbumpa. They marry and make children.... Hopefully you haven´t make some poor little mice "kids" to orphans....

Annelie said...

I used to have a mouse pet when I was a kid. Then we got another one. What felt like the next day, they had multiplied to around 45. Unless you guys got insanely lucky & managed to find a solo bachelor/ette, my bet is on it not being the same mouse. But it COULD happen. I'm crossing my fingers for you!

Unknown said...

Goodbye mouse and good riddance. Leave poor Cate and her useless cat "hunters" alone.
We use to get mice all the time. For a while I stored all our food in the refrigerator because that was the one place they couldn't get into.

Caty said...

From experience, they multiply and they communicate their favorite places. I have mice return under my bathroom sink every summer...and I'm sure it's not ghost mice...but now I have a kitty...hopefully that will help. Good luck!! Hopefully no more mice for you...

Toriz said...

Or, maybe, it was a different mouse who had heard about the feast in your pantry from the first mouse, and thought he (or she?) would come for a bit of a feast? I think he (or she) would have thought better of doing so if original mouse hadn't been treated so kindly by Mr Mousewhisperer. Let's hope original mouse, and all their pals and family members, saw what happened, and learn from the fate that befell their poor friend/sibling!

Joanie said...

Maybe it was a mouse couple, out on a diner date.

Kimmy said...

*gasp* I thought at first as I was reading it "awww...that so sweet!! They saved him" then I continued to read....*sniff sniff* I know, I know, you guys tried and I can't blame you for not wanting a mouse in your house eating your stuff. We've actually killed a mouse or more than two but it still makes me sad every time. That's why I make my husband deal with it. And there is ABOLUTELY no way there will be those glue traps in my house!!! Those are just so inhuman! I've actually freed a mouse from one of those. Very carefully, I might add. It wasn't easy and he probably didn't live cause he chewed his little footy but at least he was in his own elements when he passed on. :O(

Jazzbumpa said...

Geeze, folks, we're talking about rodents here. You know - VERMIN!

No sympathy, Mickey and Minny not withstanding.

And Cate, it looks like you have
Gumbie cats.


Ronnica said...

When I was at my parents for Christmas, I (and my dad) saw a mouse on two different occasions. Took him outside after the first, but then wondered the exact same question as you did. We decided it was better to think of it as the same one. My parents never saw him again, though we didn't find him after the second time.

amanda said...

I couldn't help but laugh at this. Thankfully we haven't had one in the house for several years...when I almost stepped on a half eaten one way too early in the morning, in my bare feet.