STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day

Today is Earth Day. I wanted to do something special but it kind of snuck up on me. Last year, I organized a bit of a blog hop and gave away a blog header/button. This year, notsomuch.

I'm sure you've already read a dozen posts that are more informative than anything I'd write here. If you haven't, this post by Lora at fever is a good one. Full of tips and tricks while not being all boring and snoozey.

So instead of reading a long post from me today, take a few minutes to recycle a plastic bottle, think before you print, hug a tree, or read a label. Because a whole bunch of small things can add up to make a big difference.


Allisonian said...

I loved your advice! I got an email that is simply a pledge that I posted. I am going to add some of your suggestions if you don't mind. It's kind of like recycling information! Have a HAPPY EARTHDAY!

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

Happy Earth Day back at ya. I was just remembering your blog hop from last year, as a matter of fact.

Unknown said...

Happy Earth Day! I wish I had thought ahead so I could make some seed bombs for the day. Random flowers are fun. Oh well. Maybe next week.

Toriz said...

Sorry, sorry, sorry! I'm a bad blogger! My Google thingy played up a while back and took some blogs off my following list, and I didn't get around to chasing them up. Sorry!

Hi though! :)

CiCi said...

Happy Earth Day! Nice post, short and to the point. We all know the things we should do to preserve this wonderful earth we share.

C. Beth said...

I'm not good at making a lot of these changes all at once--too overhwelming to me. But as I think about your post from last year, I realize that since then I've started a)using reusable bags more often than not, b)bringing my own reusable cup to Starbucks and trying to remember to ask for a "real" plate when I get food there, and c)recycling plastic bags and other similar plastics that the grocery stores here accept for recycling.

So I'm still not as earth-friendly as I should be, I'll admit that. But I'm really happy realizing I'm actually taking steps in the right direction.

cfoxes33 said...

I think I will hug a tree!

Caroline said...

Happy Earth Day , my kids have been recycling stuff alot more the past month with some help from school.

Joy said...

"A whole bunch of small things can add up to make a big difference." Words of wisdom to live by. Earth Day snuck up on me, too. We shouldn't wait, but incorporate good practices every day.

mo.stoneskin said...

Take a few minutes to recycle a plastic bottle?

I'd like to, but I lack the necessary equipment. Ideally I'd have access to a large crushing machine. This unfortunately is not the case. I've been waiting by the road for a large truck so that I can flick the bottle under a wheel, but so far I've succeeded only in derailing a cyclist.

Lora said...

oh hey! I didn't expect to see my name here! Thanks for the link! and happy earth day, four days late.