STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Six Word Saturday

Describe your life (or something) in a phrase using just six words. For more information, try clicking here. Feel free to explain or not explain. Add an image, a video, a song, nothing. I love seeing what everyone does each week with their entries.

What would be fair to everyone?

I love Six Word Saturday. I love visiting your blogs. But I'm finally forcing myself to admit that I'm just not able to visit them all every week anymore. Time and time again, many of you have said you're fine with that. However, I can't give it up cold turkey - I do still want to visit some each week and I'm trying to figure out a way that's fair to everyone.

Here's what I propose: each week (probably on Sunday or Monday), I'll use to choose a dozen entries to visit. That way, everyone has equal chance. Plus, I'm going to keep encouraging each of you to visit at least the two visitors who sign in ahead of you.

What do you think? Any other suggestions? Besides "quit my job so I have time to visit everyone" because that's only going to work until they cut off the internet connection due to non-payment. ;)

All that's necessary to participate is to post your own six words. You can post an explanation if you wish but it's certainly not required. If you play along in your blog, please add a link to the Mr. Linky. I appreciate a link back (shiny code below if you like!). Otherwise, you're welcome to leave your six words in this post as a comment.

Please be sure to link either to your main page or (preferably) directly to the 6WS post. Links to blogs that do not contain a 6WS entry will be removed (sorry, just the button in the sidebar doesn't count as participating).


Caroline said...

That sounds okay. I try to visit everyone over the weekend but sometimes it doesn't happen and I feel bad so I just do as much as I can. I think everyone will understand. Have a great 6WS

Rachel Cotterill said...

Camping in my garden this weekend.

I've been worrying about fairness, lately, too. I'm struggling just to get round all my commenters in good time. Maybe for 6WS you could encourage people to post their six words in the comments even if they're also linking a post. Then you could easily read all those, and still do random numbers as you suggest for clicking through.

Autumn said...

Lol I visited everyone the first 3 weeks I played. BOY that was a TON of work!! How you do it time and time again I don't know. But I'm glad you're FINALLY admitting that it's a lot more work. I'm also glad you're figuring that out before you burn out. You're an AWESOME host and we're grateful for everything you do, Cate. I for one think it's a grand idea to use And you know what? If someone has a problem with it not being "fair" tell them life isn't fair, to suck it up and put their big girl panties back on, because until we start paying you enough to quit your job and blog full time no one here has the right to complain about anything being or not being fair.

That's just my two cents though =)

Juniper Saltus said...

I think that sounds like a very fair compromise! Happy 6WS!!!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Do what you can, Cate--you're only human!

John (@bookdreamer) said...

Why not ask us to visit three others when we post -the one in front of ours, the one behind and one at random. The first three don't have unless they want to!My Six-Word Saturday here

Melissa B. said...

I work on fairness every day!

soulbrush said...

it is not about pressure, it is about enjoyment. so stop beating yourself up, and do what you can, we will all still be here - when we can too. hugs and relax friend.

Missy | Literal Mom said...

Cate - I'm having the same issue. I simply don't have time to visit many blogs right now and it makes me sad. I can barely get my own posts out, and that's the reason I started this anyway - to have an outlet. But I truly miss everyone I usually visit during the week. I like your idea. Maybe I'll try something similar.

Betty W said...

Sounds fair to me. You can´t do it all, that much is clear.

Kathy said...

Cate, I don't know how you have visited so many for so long, but I did appreciate your effort--I think we all did. However, we realize that you do have a life! will work, or so would a running list of participants, with names marked off whenever you visit them.(a few each week) By doing that, you would eventually get around to visiting everybody who plays at one time or another. Just my 2 cents worth. Just have fun with it--that's probably the point, huh? I visit as many as I can, visit back, the ones who visit me, then let the rest go... Have a great weekend! Kathy

Unknown said...

I totally agree with Kathy. I try to visit as many as I can too but I do not expect everyone to visit me. Do not worry too much about it, Cate. I used to visit one person who NEVER visit me , now I do not bother anymore. Have a great 6WS. hugs shakira

B : ) said...

Is there such a thing as fair to everyone? Relax and enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting this, it's so much fun!

brandi said...

~i could hardly imagine having to be you trying to visit each and everyone of us!! we know you are there and you as you wish...relax a bit...we will all keep playing along!! warm wishes and brightest blessings~

Frugal Science Gal said...

I'm participating in Six Word Saturday for the first time today and I am your 300th follower on your blog! :-)

Maude Lynn said...

Sounds fair to me!

SparkleFarkel said...

Truly, the fun will go out of SIX WORD Saturday for you, if it is holding you hostage. I think your suggestion is a brilliant remedy, but, even then, please don't feel pressured with the scramble to touch base each and every time.

Thank you so much for SIX WORD Saturday. I appreciate all the work you put in to making it a "go" each week!

Jeanie said...

Do what works for you, Cate, and don't make it hard on yourself. I think everyone who participates visits a few, so it is all good.

Steph @ Steph Runs On said...

I've been trying to visit as many as I can on the weekend, and when I have time during the week I go back and see who I've missed. I think we all understand some weeks are better than others for commenting/visiting.

debi9kids said...

Just do whatever you need to do! I know all too well the guilt you are talking about. It's hard to visit every single person that leaves comments on your blog, let alone those who sign in each week.

Just do what you can. No one will tar and feather you ;)

Jenn@ You know... that blog? said...

It's a lot to keep up with, isn't it? The price of fame, my friend, haha. I can't get to everyone every week either - there just isn't time! Plus a TON of your players won't let me comment because they don't have their settings done properly and only allow blogger accounts and/or OpenID. Makes me crazy.

Sounds fine to me - do whatever makes it easy on you! I think everyone will understand.

Have a fabulous weekend!

Ron Cooper said...

Visits are good, and I love 'em--both incoming and outgoing. Do as many as humanly possible!

Megan said...

I say do whatever works for you. I would never expect you to visit everyone. That takes time and just like all of us, you have a life to live as well. Don't stress about it. ;0)

Becca said...

Cate, it does get really crazy trying to get to everyone's blog. My only idea would be for you to visit as many blogs as you could on Saturday, and then divide the rest up evenly throughout the week. :)

Rochelle said...

That sounds extremely fair. I tried reading and commenting on everyone's ONCE and I didn't attempt it again - too much! So you've been quite the trooper Cate! :)

Olivia said...

I think it's fine for us to love on each other and you can just take it easy! I'll definitely be checking out 9 or so other blogs every time I link up!

uthostage said...

I have trouble reading everyone's 6WS and I can't even imagine how you've done it regularly for so long. I think your idea sounds very fair. I will miss the weeks I don't get to hear your great replies, but I completely understand and my feelings won't be hurt at all.

C. Beth said...

Sounds like a VERY good plan, Cate. I don't think you should feel obligated at all! All of us enjoy participating, regardless.

Jennifer in MamaLand said...

I like the idea of everybody visiting the two links before them. Do-able; not overwhelming. I also approve heartily of your choosing a dozen at random. My life is not nearly so significant that you need to stop in every single week. :-)
Have a great 6WS!!!

noexcuses said...

I think I'm "link-challenged"!!! I have to link up a few times before I get it right. Please feel free to delete my links up to the last one!

I'm finally able to get back on and read the posts of my peeps, and blah..blah...blah about my silly life.

I love this place. Thanks for inventing it!

Joy@StopBloggingAndCook said...

I've posted for the first time, using the six words fof the title of my post today: Cooking in Salt: What's That About? Since mine is a teaching blog, I didn't see a viable option in posting simply six words, so I opted for the title. I do not tend towards the brief, but am working to make posts shorter. There's just so much to cover!