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Friday, March 13, 2009

Pass the popcorn

Muahahahaha, it's Friday the 13th. I'm not overly superstitious so I'm not sure that it matters much to me but I feel like I should at least acknowledge the day somehow.

My plan for this evening includes watching a scary movie after bludgeoning our project manager to death dancing around the graveyard in the backyard dinner. Specifically, we'll be watching Mirrors with Jack Bauer the Kiefer. (Yes, I'm aware reviews were bad but Jack said he'd torture me with a lamp if I didn't watch it.)

Which set off the hamster in my brain to spinning his wheel. Scary movies. Why do I watch them? They scare the hell out of me. I usually can't sleep afterwards. And I can't stand the sight of blood or gore. Some day I'll tell you about how one scary movie actually caused me to search my shower for chicken nuggets (true story!).

But I love these. Even the bad ones. Blair Witch, Saw, Forrest Gump, The Ring. I haven't seen many of the classics. Amityville (new and old), the first Friday the 13th, Poltergeist, a few Stephen King (Carrie, The Shining), Psycho. But no Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, Beaches or Exorcist.

And so I keep watching, eyes peeking between my fingers, my nails dug into Joe's side, holding my breath and waiting for it to be over. Then we watch an episode of The Office or 30 Rock before going to bed or poor Joe knows he won't be sleeping that night.

So what about you? How do you feel about scary movies? Love 'em, hate 'em, favorites? Share! And don't break any mirrors or spill any milk today. Just in case.


Annelie said...

I love ones that have you at the edge of your seat, holding your breath, and squealing with scary delight. Not the ones with blog & gore and nastiness are shoved in your face.
Let me know how you liked the film. I'm curious.

Betty said...

I´m a sissy and can´t watch any thing scary! But "to each his own" I guess...

mo.stoneskin said...

I LOVED the Forrest Gump gag, and the Bauer one too. You are funny ;)

Hate scary movies because I don't like being scared I guess. The hamster in my brain dislikes them too.

Rachel said...

omg i LOVE scary movies, but I HATE being scared. I know, this makes no sense. I too suffer afterward with the "must keep the light on while sleeping for the next week syndrome". Last scary movie I saw was The Ring. That took two weeks to sleep normal again.

Happy Freaky Friday!

Grand Pooba said...

That's funny you wrote this post because I have that movie "Mirrors" waiting at home for me to watch too.

I LOVE scary movies but have a hard time finding good ones these days. I agree shows like The Ring, the first Saw (Never saw the others) were pretty good and the classics too. I've found out that you just have to accept a scary movie for what it is and know that it will probably be cheesy at some point and not let that bother you.

I just love being scared, I don't the gore but usually that's what comes with it for some reason. I wish my husband liked scary movies but he hates them because they are all the same, with the cheesiness and stupidity of the people in them.

So we'll have to have a girls night one of these days and watch some good scary movies!

septembermom said...

I am a wimp. I can't watch anything scary. It puts "seeds" in my mind and then I can't go to sleep and my mind plays tricks on me all day. If my curiosity gets me to watch a few minutes of one, I pay for it all day! Wish I could be braver :)

Call Me Cate said...

Snarky A - I'm not a big fan of the gore either. I know the Saw franchise really pushes that and I suffer through those movies becaue at least the concept is (well, was) original and interesting.

Betty - I've gotten better about them. For awhile, Joe said I wasn't allowed to watch them at all.

mo.stoneskin - I laughed a Gump when everyone else cried. Oops! And nothing worse than a scared hamster in your head.

Rachel - you and I seem to have similar scary movie issues.

Grand Pooba - I hope "Mirrors" is enjoyable, even if it's not amazing. The trailers didn't look great though. Joe's more into scary movies than I am so at least I don't have to watch alone.

septembermom - you're smart not to watch them if they bother you that much. Me, I'm not that smart.

Juliet Colors said...

I understand that some people enjoy the hit from the adrenaline rush that a good horror flick provides, but I am not one of them. I can't stand horror or violence. It affects me too deeply.

On the other hand, I think I've grown more tolerant of scary bits in movies as I've grown older, and I will happily watch adventure/action/thriller movies, so long as the scary bits are keep to a minimum, for whatever that's worth.

Lyndsay said...

I've abolished scary movies, brings out the worst of my anxious side LOL!

I had to fly in a PLANE on the 13th thank you very much. Thankfully I got back home to blog about it ...

Isabella said...

I've never been good with scary movies, so I avoid them like the plague - they give me terrible nightmares. And the nightmares rarely happen the same night I watch the movie - they'll pop up on a random night when I least expect it. *shudder*

I am able to watch action/adventure, but I stay away from those "end of the world" movies. Same effect on me as the horror films.

kim said...

I LOVE scary movies..the slashers, the suspenseful ones, the horror ones, all of them. we have Horror Movie night here at our house when everyone is home and we make chicken wings and baked mac and cheese and we just overeat and then overgross ourselves out with the best and the worst horror's AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

I HATE scary movies!
But I LOVE George Clooney.

Sure would love to read that secret blog of yours.....

warning...once I get access to secret blogs I no longer want to read I'm actually loving that I CAN'T read your secret blog because I'm intrigued!

Anonymous said...

I don't watch them anymore. I used to though but now they seem to stay with me. So I leave them alone. But I do prefer a thriller.

Call Me Cate said...

Juliet - I really love mystery/thriller movies but my favorites are the kind that leave you very - huh? Sixth Sense, Identity, Usual Suspects, Memento...

Lyndsay - yes, please blog about it right away. I mean, welcome home! Rest up, THEN blog about it. I have a friend flying overseas today and while I'm not superstitious, I don't know if I would've booked the flight today.

Isabella - usually if I have nightmares after a scary movie, it's something unrelated. Most of the "end of the world" movies seem so ridiculous that I just laugh at them.

kimber - having spent my college years in Buffalo NY, I might be choosy about the wings. But count me in!

Yaya - has George been in anything scary lately? Hmm... That secret blog would bore you so much I'd never have to worry about anyone wanting to read it twice. Doesn't it just make me so much more mysterious though? Bwahahaha!

Mrs Cooper - definitely sound in your best interest to leave them alone. Probably in my best interest too.

TMC said...

No way! I can't watch anything scary. And it's not even the gore that scares me... it's the music!

Tiffany said...

I'm an absolute movie wimp - I hate scary stuff!

Thanks for your comment the other day on the Global Food Crisis post - we made it to 127 comments!

Ryan and Katie said...

I used to LOVE them but I haven't had any desire to see them in the past few years. Although I do own the Exorcist, it was my fav scary movie. You have to see that movie sometime. I always watched cartoons or really cheesy shows after watching scary movies when I was younger. I'd probably still do that too!

blognut said...

I kinda like scary movies if I'm in the right mood.

The Wife O Riley said...

I love scary movies! But more like Hitchcock not so much blood and gore. But I'll watch them anyway.

What I really can't watch are disaster movies. Any movie where cities blow up are off my list.

Sassy Britches said...

Scary and I do NOT co-exist well. I watched 3 minutes of "Candyman" in high school, and it still haunts me to this day. I even told my ex-boyfriend this, but he suckered me into going to see "The Grudge." I pretended to get up to go to the bathroom...and I never came back.

Call Me Cate said...

TMC - the music is definitely creepy. Last night's movie wasn't all that scary to me and I don't remember the music being particularly compelling either.

Tiffany - so glad you reached your goal!!!

Ryan and Katie - we fell asleep midway through The Soup after our movie last night. Joel McHale is awesome.

blognut - is the right mood the one that involves a desire to hide under the bed with 911 pre-dialed on the phone in one hand and a baseball bat in the other? Or is that just me?

Wife O Riley - I do love Hitchcock. Rear Window is one of my absolute favorites.

Sassy Britches - "Candyman" is one I haven't seen. Nor is "Grudge". I'm trying to remember the last movie I left in the middle of like that... It wasn't scary, I think it was the Governator. Which is just another kind of scary I suppose.

RandomWonders said...

I absolutely love a scary movie. My only problem is I am never scared during the movie...I put too much thought into each scene that I see everything coming before it does. AFTER the movie though my husband likes to pop out of doorways and scare the bejezzus outta me!