STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Nope, not under the sofa

Just a warning - not my usual sorta post today. I really tried and I just couldn't find it...

Today is a very anxious day for me. There's no particular reason. No appointments, no meetings. Heck, I'm working from home and still in my jammies!

But I didn't sleep well last night. There's been some on-going medical issues with me that are really weighing on my mind. Instead of discussing all of those worst-case scenarios and what-ifs in bed, I should really return to meditating. All of that talking resulted in dreams about my next appointment and the doctor being so concerned that there was immediate surgery. Not the best way to catch some zzzzz's.

Then I awake to find the workers are here to finish up a project in the backyard. Except, this isn't the usual team of workers. I <3 the usual guys but this team is loud. There's a lot of yelling in accents that make them sound harsh and angry. And they're pounding on my house. And scaring my cats.

All of which adds up to just not finding it within myself to be humorous. Or chipper. Instead, I'm going to fill out my basketball brackets, catch up on the dvr, and find something to clean. Hopefully I'll find some sunshine under the bed or in the dishwasher. Or maybe in one of your blogs, which I'm off to visit...


Knocked Up in Bama said...

Stopping over from SITS. Sorry your day seems craptastic...plot the demise of the workers with the can even do this under the bed making it all secret squirrel ninja like. :)

TMC said...

Sorry you're feeling ick today. Just try to do stuff that keeps you in the present, to focus just on whatever you're doing at the moment. I find that sometimes helps me when I'm feeling ick or scattered. :)

Warm thoughts for you...

Annelie said...

I totally understand, and I've been enforcing a "no serious conversations at bed time" for a while now. If I didn't I could kiss the very little sleep I'm getting nowadays goodbye, and I would go loony for sure.
I hope your medical issue resolves themselves, and that you find some sunshine today.

Thinking of you,

Sassy Britches said...

I honestly think that andy left the best comment ever just now.

And look at TMC being "warm thoughts"-y! You're stirring up empathy from all sort of places today! That should make you feel good, right?

I hope everything works out the way it should with the medical concerns, and I agree with everyone else. Get thee to the shower, and you'll feel 100% better. Then, just focus on one immediate thing at a time. And come visit us all for sunshine! :)

cw2smom said...

Sending you some positive thoughts and well wishes for good news from the doctor and that those workers chill out a bit!! Hang in there kiddo! This too shall pass! Blessings, Lisa

Call Me Cate said...

Andy - Thanks for the pep rally. I just like my anxiety to have something direct like "oh, I'm spazzed about flying tonight!" instead of the building accumulation of crap.

Alabama Redhead - I'm sorry you stopped over and caught me on such an off day. But secret squirrel ninjas moves? You get me already!

TMC - I've spent the morning distracting myself with tv. And now I'm cooking up an excuse to get out of the house tonight.

Snarky - My bedtime routine is getting a serious overhaul starting tonight.

Sassy Britches - You are 100% correct about the shower. I'm going to head there in just a few minutes. Then one foot in front of the other.

You guys are seriously the best. I'm feeling better after a bit of support, like I can at least get off the sofa now.

Call Me Cate said...

Lisa - the workers took their lunch break so there was temporary quiet. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are having a sucky day. Seems to be going around in blogsphere. Hope it all gets better for you before the day is over.

mo.stoneskin said...

I hate to break it to you in this harsh and merciless fashion, but you won't find any sunshine in the dishwasher. The dishwasher is a place where the sun doesn't shine, a miry pit of clogged up exits and things which SHOULD BE CLEAN!

Peggy said...

Hug! Hope everything works out for you...personally, I'd go shopping!

The Blonde Duck said...

I hope everything works out soon!

Juliet Colors said...

Aw... I have days like that sometimes. I hope you feel better soon and get a good night of sleep. Good sleep makes a world of difference.

Call Me Cate said...

Mrs Cooper - it took a big swing for the positive this afternoon. I'm feeling much more calm now.

mo.stoneskin - harsh!!! I had no idea! I did, however, run the dishwasher today so it's more sunshiney than it was this morning!

Peggy - Hmm, shopping. Not sure if Joe would approve but oh well!

Blonde Duck - I'd just like answers one way or the other.

Juliet - I am planning on winding down early tonight. And now, I'm going to take my laptop out to the porch for some writing and rocking.

You guys are seriously the best. I needed it today and you all rock. <3

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

Oh, Cate, I wish you much sunshine under your bed. Or mine, if you are still hiding there. Well, whosever bed you decide to make home today. And sleep... I wish you great sleep. Hope your day got better after you posted this.

Everyday Goddess said...

I am sorry to hear you are so down! Tomorrow has got to be better.

Vevay Anderson said...

I know in my world, if ya piss off the cats, yer done for!

Amy W said...

Hope you found some sunshine out there.... I know you didn't get it at my place! :( I am working at getting my chipper back on, too.

Good luck and get back to the meditation! I need to do that today, too. :))

Unknown said...

tomorrow will be better-the wheel will turn xx

Call Me Cate said...

RAS - I only hide under your bed on weekends.

Comedy Goddess - so far, so good today!

Vevay - you are SO right about this. My universe revolves around the moods of those cats.

Amy - I hope your chipper returns soon. Mine's slowly coming back.

Lisa - I'm always so grateful that tomorrow is a fresh day.

Pamdog said...

Hmmm. I've been in a funk lately myself and it's been waking me up consistently between 3 and 4 am. (yawn) I was also thinking that I need to meditate.
Hope your issues are happily resolved and the cloud passes.
Sweet dreams...