STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Another day

Yesterday started out pretty rough but by mid-afternoon I had managed to drag myself out of my funk. It's amazing how the support of some bloggy friends (special mention to Andy for making an extra effort to find some sunshine for me) and a hot shower - complete with leg shaving! - can lift a girl's spirits.

Beautiful weather also helps. Yesterday, it was around 70° and once the workers finished up in our backyard for the afternoon, I was able to get out on our screened porch. Rocking chair, glass of wine, and a book. Once Joe arrived home, we grilled up some steaks and spent the rest of the evening outside together.

I love my porch. It's such a sanctuary for me. We live along a busy street so it's not always the most quiet place but there's nowhere I'd rather be most of the time.

Now, my thoughts are turning to the yard. I have horrible allergies so Joe is definitely the lead on our teensy yard. Also, I tend to kill everything I touch. I'm on very strict orders not to even water either of the inside plants (yes, there are only two because Tonya thinks they are salads provided for her enjoyment). But I'm ready to plant some nice flowering bushes of some sort and also to get some basil and tomatoes growing.

It's Spring and things are growing and I'm going to find some hope in that. Today, I am going to look at the positive instead of freaking out about things I can't control. And by tomorrow, I should be back to "normal", just in time for the weekend.


mo.stoneskin said...

Steak + porch + sunshine sounds awesome. Why weren't we all invited?

I'm disappointed that my sage and poignant comments about sunshine were not also mentioned...

Unknown said...

good- glad life is feeling brighter- the shitty days sure do give us appreciation of the not so shitty days.....x

Knocked Up in Bama said...

Dude, everything's always better with wine!!! :)

Amy W said...

Shaving my legs makes me feel better, too. Every time!

Glad you are pulling out of it and on your way back to sunny days. :)

Isabella said...

I'm right there with you on not being allowed to touch house plants. With the track record I have, I'm surprised my husband agreed to having a child. :)

Steak, wine and being outside is the BEST combination. Cures any funk I'm in, that's for sure.

Unknown said...


And shaving always makes me feel better, too. There's just something about being smooth all over to give a girl a pick me up.

Plus people will stroke you more.

Call Me Cate said...

mo.stoneskin - everyone is always invited. But you have to find me first. Witness protection and all. And I'm having your words about sunshine engraved in stone for my garden.

Lisa - I'm totally appreciating today after yesterday. Not that today is great but yesterday was a good reminder of how it COULD be.

Alabama Redhead - absolutely better with wine!

Amy - I also washed the bed sheets because nothing is better than smooth legs on fresh sheets.

Isabella - we DON'T have a child. I wonder if that's a coincidence...

Andy - nothing wrong with a bit of stroking for sure!

blognut said...

Cate, Glad things are better today!

Thanks for the NCAA picks.

I am Harriet said...

Hi there.
Just stopping by via SITS to say hello.
Have a great day!

Michael said...

Have you tried planting cat grass? Blacktop would eat the baby lettuce I was growing on the kitchen counter, but when I gave him a pot of cat grass, he ate that instead. It might be worth a try--it's really easy to grow, and it comes up quickly!

Here's a link for the seeds I use:

Everyday Goddess said...

Sounds like a much better end to the day! Welcome back sunshine.

Peggy said...

Glad you were able to "snap out of it"...have a great weekend!

ps - yes, I've decided that you can start saying that on Thursdays now...why not?

Juliet Colors said...

I am glad to know your day got better. Your porch therapy sounds great. I too am really enjoying the spring in the air, the blue sky, sun, and green new growth everywhere. I need to get my tomatoes and basil started too in our garden. Maybe this weekend...

larkswing said...

I am ready this, and I notice Norah Jones is on the radio. You Need to have Norah jones on while on that porch! Glad life is looking brighter!!


Lyndsay said...

Glad things are on the up and up! I wanted to let you know that I still have an email in my inbox from you to reply to ... I haven't forgotten.

Sunshine and smiles headed your way!

Debbi said...

I'm so glad you have a noisy porch for sanctuary. (is it wierd that I sing "sannnn tuuuu arrrr yyyy" everytime I read/say/think that word?)

Shaved legs are an instant perk-up. Maybe I should consider that. Although, I did my armpits already this month, I don't know if my Canadian body could handle losing any more hair during this winter! ;)

Call Me Cate said...

blognut - so far today, I'm totally winning on my brackets! We should seriously compare.

I am Harriet - thanks so much for stopping by! I shall return the visit shortly.

Michael - I haven't tried that but now I'm totally going to. I hadn't thought of it as a distraction. Thanks!

Comedy Goddess - the day certainly ended better than it began.

Peggy - I think that's brilliant. Would it be wrong to start saying "have a great weekend" on Wednesday? Too soon?

Juliet - if only I could also grow a fresh mozzarella plant, I'd be set for the entire summer.

lmerie - last night I hooked up the XM radio and had Coffee House on. Lots of Norah Jones-kinda music and you're right - it's perfect for the porch/wine/rocking party.

Lyndsay - I took very long to respond to you so I forgive the fact that you were on vacation.

Debbi - no, I can imagine you don't want to risk shaving too often up there in the Great White North. I never shaved when I lived in Buffalo. Just silly.

Isabella said...

whenever I think of my bad luck with house plants, I'm reminded of the last scene in "28 Days" in the plant shop (I tried to find a clip online and wasn't I hope you've seen the movie).

Sparky said...

I get into those blue funks too. For some reason, walking tends to soothe me (also the stock market going UP .. YES!). We live way out in the country and have lots of solitude. Walking here is a real pleasure. wish I would ship some of it your way for those funky days. ♥ ∞

Annelie said...

I'm so glad you found some sunshine to make you feel a bit better! Spring is here baby, who doesn't feel a bit more sunny in the Spring?

Have fun relaxing on that fabulous porch sanctuary of yours!

Anonymous said...

Yup, nice weather, glass of wine, porch, sounds wonderful!

TWO secret blogs!!!! Gasp!

Call Me Cate said...

Isabella - I'm not familiar but I shall look for it.

Sparky - I do love a nice walk. I grew up somewhere very rural and quiet and there are moments when I miss it.

Snarky - SO much better with a bit of Spring in the air. And in my step!

Yaya - never fear - you shall have access to the newest before long. I'm anticipating a very boring day at work tomorrow and that's my project.

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

A nice porch is hard to beat, quiet or not. Glad you're feeling better.

The Wife O Riley said...

I'm glad you're feeling better. I'm sorry for missing out on giving you some bloggy love.

Pamdog said...

Wow. Lots of comments!
I've been in a funk lately too. And Spring is helping. Still a bit too chilly here in MN for porch sitting, but our day will come.

Melissa B. said...

Oh, we're going to have beautiful weather this weekend, and I'm SOOOOOOO psyched! I'll be outside in the sun, grading papers on my deck.

Call Me Cate said...

RAS - We have two seasons at our house when it comes to how they swing my mood. Porch Weather and Not Porch Weather.

Wife O Riley - I'm sure you were with me in spirit!

Pamela - Today is officially the first day of Spring. Hang in there!

Melissa - Our weather cooled back down a bit after yesterday but I might have to bundle up and hit the porch anyways!

The Nice One said...

This weather does make me wish I didn't have such allergies....uh the beauty!
Best of luck for continuing your way out of the Funk