STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The End

November 30th and I am thankful for... my NaBloPoMo of gratitude.

This month has been representative of my entire year - ending up in a very different place than I had pictured when I started. At the beginning of the month, I was struggling to juggle classes with a part-time work schedule that refused to honor it's part-time agreement. I was depressed, anxious, frustrated. There were times when my NaBloPoMo of Gratitude seemed like a completely ridiculous idea. Now, I find myself home, unemployed by choice, concentrating full-time on my classes for the next week until finals are over. Then I'll finish up that last self-paced course and be done.

I have no idea what's next, in my life and therefor in my blog. There are so many options that I'm not quite sure where to start. But I'm excited. Also still a bit anxious. But no longer depressed or frustrated.

I'm considering participation in another month-long blog project, #reverb10. "Reflect on this year and manifest what's next". December will be spent doing exactly that, whether or not I formally participate in that project.

I want to say thank you to all of you who help hold me together, encouraging me, supporting me, distracting me... A special thank you to T for being a great inspiration to me and introducing me to a new way of approaching life that's brought me much peace and hope.

So even though things are far from where they started 30 days ago, I'm grateful for my husband, my friends, and my future.


Unknown said...

It isn't really the end you know. It's more like the beginning. :-)

Toriz said...

You know, I think this is one of the best of your gratitude posts!

C. Beth said...

There's so much hope in your words lately. :)

Diane said...

Yeah and congrats for finishing your job and your writing!!! :O)

Unknown said...

I wish you all the best and look forward to reading what's next! :)