STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Extra Hour

NaBloPoMo of Gratitude Day #7.

I am thankful for... an extra hour today.

Bet this is the only blog in the whole time-changing world that even mentions that today, huh?

I plan to use half of it towards classwork and the other half towards a movie.


SparkleFarkel said...

I am thankful for... an extra hour today.

I second that emotion! What movie are you aimng for? If you're up for a teen-type romantic comedy, a couple of afternoons ago, Puppet and I took in Easy A starring Emma Stone, and it was tops!

Toriz said...

We had an extra hour last weekend. I wonder why they insist on changing the clocks in different times in different countries? *Shrugs*

Caty said...

I used mine for sleep!

21 Wits said...

Of all days I had to wake up early on my own....cuz I was planning for 1 free hour of sleep! your hour is very productive, half for work the half for FUN!

C. Beth said...

Zoodle woke at his normal time (which translated to a little after 5:30 instead of a little after 6:30) but he came to bed with us and was (fairly) quiet for an hour, so overall it worked out pretty well!

Jan Holt said...

I am thankful for the extra hour to catch up on my bloggy friends... like you!

How are you? I feel like I've been on a deserted island without computers for years. Shudder.

Hope all is well with you.

Take care!

Cap'n Salty said...

I found it particularly funny that our priest was late to church and blamed it on the time change!!

Just as a by the way: I moved my blog. I'd love it if you'd come follow me! I'm now at Turtle Droppings!