STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Easily Amused

Day two of "NaBloPoMo of Gratitude". I'm wondering how many days in before typing "NaBloPoMo" comes a bit more naturally...

I am thankful for... my ability to be easily amused.

Now, before you think to yourself, "Self, it's only the second day and already she's not taking this seriously!", I need to clarify that I am 100% for realz about being grateful for this ability. Even if some people may see it less as a skill and more as a hindrance.

For example, I have this amazing ability to misread things in ways that make them far more interesting. A few days ago, I read a headline about "Weather Hamsters Search for Plane". Whoa, weather hamsters! I was excited to read this article because my husband is a total weather geek and yet he's never mentioned weather hamsters. Propelled by a need to one up my husband help make Joe's weather knowledge more complete, I clicked the article only to be let down. "Weather HAMPERS search for plane." Pfft. How boring!

I do that kind of thing all the time. And rather than be disappointed about the non-existence of weather hamsters, I choose to laugh. I find the funny where I can. And some days, I really need it.

So yes, I am thankful for my ability to be easily amused.


Unknown said...

I think weather hamsters would be awesome! Just imagine them in little remote control cars and helicopters out there weather spotting and sending in reports in a high pitched squeak. It would be like the chipmunks but cool and without all the annoying singing.

C. Beth said...

Your weather hamster graphic is completely adorable.

Oh, and as for how many days it will take to easily write NaBloPoMo...approximately 29.

21 Wits said...

Caught again by the old trick writers so love to play...say anything that'll draw them in! But really imagine little short-nosed jumpy hamsters would be awesome! and did you know my two outside cats, Monster and Smoke inform me of the weather all the time....really!

Grand Pooba said...

Haha! I think that is a perfectly fine thing to be thankful for!

Toriz said...

I'm with you on that! It makes life much more interesting.

Weather hamsters... How cool would that be?

"Now over to Pouchy De Hamsta with the day's weather."
"It's going to be another wet day, which is not a good thing when you're only about an inch high, like myself. Also, there will be a severe drop in temperature, which may make those of the rodent persuation tempted to hibernate. A word of caution though, folks, domesticated hamsters like us are best avoiding the temptation to hibernate. Just keep the wheel running exercises to a minimum to conserve energy, keep your food stores stocked up, and squeak loudly at your human slaves for extra bedding!"

Unknown said...

i think you should illustrate as a hobby:) lovin' the hamster.

also, i often giggle to myself about idiotic and mundane things that most people wouldn't notice too.

like, there's this sign on a church on my way to work that says "jesus loves you"...which, on its own isn't that humourous. but i remember when i was a kid and we would drive past the very same church my dad would bellow out in a big preacher's voice "JEEEEEESUS LOOOOOOVES YOOOOOOOU". every. single. time.

hey! a happy memory:)

Roberto said...

Weather hamsters is really adorable. I couldn't resist to hold them if they are near me...

Mim said...

I love the idea of Weather Hamsters! I also love to misread things - how about "Battered Shrimp". Can't you just see those shrimp hobbling around on little crutches after being battered? silly things like that.

Kathe W. said...

damn- and I got all excited about weather hamsters! I could see them in their cages with wheels running around endlessly with their little paw up in the air determining by guess and by golly what the weather would be....pfui- no hamsters.