STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

But I'm scared!

October 13th is National Face Your Fears Day. You're supposed to pick a fear and conquer it.

I have a lot of fears ranging from bugs to car flags to recliners. There's no shortage of issues for me to choose from today.

I think I'll go with my Metathesiophobia (fear of changes). I allowed myself to wimp out on the gym yesterday, conveniently blaming Joe because he pointed out that it was raining heavy and would be unpleasant to drive in. But really, it was the fear of establishing that new routine.

So today, I go to the gym. Where I will also work on my Verminophobia (fear of germs). I'm not over-the-top on this one but with piggy flu, I'm a little more aware than usual.

What fear will you conquer today?


TMC said...

I have to attend to some immigration paperwork today. I hate everything about this 6 year long nightmare. Everything about it makes me uncomfortable and frightened. But I've procrastinated long enough and have a November deadline and MUST make a move today.

Matty said...

I vow to conquer my fear of reading about fears.

Toni said...

I don't really have a lot of fears. I have a fear of speaking in public/being the center of attention. Also I have an irrational fear of ticks. If I find one of those little buggers on me I usually end up hyperventilating. Ridiculous, I know. And by the way, I have NO intention of attempting to face either one of these fears!

Just say Julie said...

Good question. I will conquer my fear of failure. It's ok if these essays don't get graded this week, the students will survive.

Margaret said...

I am the same way when it comes to changing up my routine once I get into a routine I very rarely change it!

mo.stoneskin said...

So I'm guessing your worst nightmare would be to come home and find a bug relaxing in your recliner while waving a flag?

And if that happened two or three days in a row would the flag-waving, reclining bug become routine and therefore the fear of change would mean you would rather he stayed?

I jest, of course, especially as I hate and fear change and fear and hate bugs. Flags i'm ok with.

Tracie said...

I have fears of failure and of change.

C. Beth said...

The fear of leaving the computer so I can go clean up the kitchen.... I think that's one I need to work on RIGHT NOW.

InspiredDreamer said...

Hmmm... that's a good question. I will have to work on overcoming one of my fears today!

2cats said...

Tomorrow (Wednesday) I will face a fear. Maybe. I am supposed to have lunch with a friend. Lunch will be great fun but it is a a place more than 40 miles from my house. No big deal normally, but it is supposed to be rain mixed with snow tomorrow. I hate driving in weather of any kind. I live too far from town to not take notice, and it scares me. So, maybe tomorrow I will conquer this fear.

Gail said...

Exercising too early in the morning.

Sassy Britches said...

Today I conquered the fear of inadequacy. I had to lead a teleconference as the chair of a committee that I just started on in August, know pretty much zero about, have no past minutes or agendas to go on, and basically feel like a fraud. I rocked it. Yay me.

blognut said...

I am going to work on my fear of spiders.

Wait! No I'm not.