STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Flu Shots

I'm always torn on this idea of flu shots. You can get a flu shot but it takes awhile to be effective and then it isn't effective against all strains of crud. Sometimes, it actually makes you sick for a bit. And of course now it's all about the piggy flu shot! Or is it better to get the nasal spray?

Joe had his flu shot yesterday. Just a regular flu shot. I guess it's good to know he isn't planning on making out with any swine. Not that I was worried. Actually, he's just not in a high risk demographic so he let the young'uns and the old'uns have the limited vaccinations. Isn't he a sweetheart?

My favorite part of him getting a flu shot is that it makes his arm a little sore for an evening. And I can accidentally forget that and punch him in the upper arm if he aggravates me. Playing, you know? Hahaha, oooh, oops, did that hurt? So sorry I forgot!

Due to my freakazoid complicated medical stuff, I've never gotten a flu shot of any kind. I can't even have some vaccinations because of how they're manufactured. So no flu shot, no piggy shot, no shots. And no crying and no Hello Kitty bandaids.

Instead, in solidarity, I did a vodka shot. That's my kind of shot! Kills all kinds of germs and no need for a nurse.


SparkleFarkel said...

It's true. Vodka CAN kill germs and makes a great mouthwash. (VODKA LABEL: "Gulp and swish; swallow. Repeat. Several times."

C. Beth said...

Ha! They should do a "Does vodka help prevent flu?" experiment. They'd get plenty of volunteers!

Eternal Lizdom said...

If you want a Hello Kitty bandage, you should just put one on! Or Nemo or Pooh Bear or Princesses or whatever! Easy sympathy points that way...

Toni said...

I don't think I've ever had a flu shot (unless I had one when I was little and don't remember).

My MiL freaks out over stuff like that. Get your shot, go to the doctor. My Son coughs and she's all "Take that baby to the doctor!" lol She cracks me up. My husband and his brother and sister must have had a blast growing up with that! (Just a note: I really do love my MiL.)

Margaret said...

I don't get flu shots either. The few times I have gotten them they have made me so sick and I always end up getting the flu.

Anonymous said...

Haha, I'm so with you on the Vodka shot. I had a flu shot once and got the flu. WTF??? So I never got another one and don't plan on it. Vodka is alcohol. You have a sore throat drink some. Can sleep due to congestion, drink some, it'll help put you to sleep. It's the all around cure.

betty said...

I'm with you for the vodka shots. I didn't take much stock in flu shots until one year the doctor advised my daughter to get one since she had asthma. I got one too but the doctor said my then 10 y/o son was healthy and didn't need one, if he got the flu it wouldn't be "too bad". He got the flu and missed 5 days of school and was soooo sick with high fever, etc. Next year he got the flu shot along with us and every year that we can we get it.


mo.stoneskin said...

I hope you let the kitties wear kitty bandaids and drink vodka shots too.

InspiredDreamer said...

Oh my goodness you are too funny. I think I might have to tell people that I got "a shot" this year too, and just not mention what type it was. :)

Unknown said...

since going all crazy last year i've stopped being such a judgy mcjudgerson about shit like that.

get one, don't get one...whatever.

heard a new one today about oregano oil being awesome for recovering from colds and flu.

must google.

love love:)


Bridgette said...

Hey a vodka shot does not sound to bad. :) Everytime I get a flu shot I get so sick! So no more flu shots for me!!!

Leah Rubin said...

Aaargh! I knew I was missing something! I can't get flu shots either, but I'm bummed that I didn't think of doing something better, like tequila shots!

I wonder if my insurance would pay for those???

Tracie said...

You're a genius! I'm off to give my kids their vodka, er, flu shots.

blognut said...

I got a flu shot this year for the first time, unless I got one last year and maybe I forgot about it. Not sure.

Hell. Maybe I get 'em every year.