STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Friday, October 16, 2009

She knows me (too) well

Recently... (around noon on a Wednesday while I worked from home):
me: they just delivered the new futon
SomeMonkey: that's good!
me: they were only here 3 minutes
literally took longer to sign for it
SomeMonkey: love those
me: started pouring right after the delivery dudes left
SomeMonkey: i had to think for a minute to realize that that did not mean "pouring wine"
me:i should be insulted
but no
if it was after 5pm or I was not on the clock for work there would be pouring inside as well as out
SomeMonkey: it's what I would have meant by the comment
Enjoy your Friday responsibly, folks!


Ryan Ashley Scott said...

I hear "pouring" and immediately think of wine. It took 3 reads to figure out you meant rain because I couldn't get past the drink thing in my head.

jabblog said...

I suppose it's because I'm in soggy UK that I only associate daytime pouring with rain!
Enjoy relaxing on your new futon.

Margaret said...

Enjoy the new futon. When I hear pouring I think of rain not wine.

mo.stoneskin said...

It takes you three minutes to sign your name? Crumbs you write slowly. Sure you hadn't had a tipple?

C. Beth said...

I thought you were talking about a drink too, and I wondered why a futon delivery was so stressful! (Or maybe so exciting? Hooray, it's a futon, pop open the bubbly!) :)

blognut said...

Having known you for a while now, I think it was the logical conclusion.