STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snowed In

We didn't get nearly as much snow as predicted/hoped for but there's still about 4-6 inches (that's what she said!) with a nice bit of freezing rain/sleet crust on top.

Roads are a mess so we're officially still "snowed in" today. And since temps won't be over freezing until sometime tomorrow, I might get to be snowed in tomorrow as well.

Exactly what I was hoping for - so seldom it works out that way!


No Longer 25 said...

We've got about the same amount here. I've had my fun sledging not I just want it to melt away and for spring to come. Save the snow for next Christmas!

Jeanie said...

Snowed in on Sunday is not so bad, but snowed in on Monday would be great.

Hootin Anni said...

It's cold here....but no snow. No snow but once every 5 years or so. But it's cold and dreary.

I just popped in from Prayer Girl's Blog 'cause her last entry was Six Word Saturday and I wanted to find out the rules and see if there is an entry each week to follow the linkies...

I'm gonna try it NEXT Saturday. Looking forward to it.

TMC said...

hooray for snow days!

Kasi said...

I love being snowed in!

Rachel Cotterill said...

We got a little snow yesterday, but honestly, it was so little that it melted as soon as the sun came up. Good luck staying snowed in ;)

betty said...

how fun if you get a Monday Snow Day!!! a very good way to start the new week and month ahead


2cats said...

A snow day on a Monday? Extremely rare even if you live in MN like I do. Enjoy it while you can.

C. Beth said...

Yay! I hope you enjoyed your weekend, all cozy at home.

Cindy said...

I hope you get what you're hoping for!

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