STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Me, The Juror

Yesterday was the big jury duty I was all spazzed about. Since I am writing this post, you've probably figured out by now that I somehow managed to survive it.

As expected, a lot of "hurry up and wait". I did manage to find the parking garage and the courthouse. I arrived around 8:20 and it was 9:30 before we were all oriented and sworn. The clerk immediately called a handful of people and the rest of us waited.

And waited.

Waited some more.

Around 11:30am I decided to grab a sandwich from the deli next door. Just as I finished it up, the clerk announced that we were being released for lunch. Until 2:30pm. Wow, no wonder the county's so inefficient if they're taking 2.5 hour lunch breaks!

At 2:30, I returned to the boring jury lounge and at 3:15 I was dismissed for the day. "Thanks, you've served, you won't be called for at least two years!"

In the end, a total waste of a day. Bored out of my skull. BUT!!! It was kind of what I asked for. I didn't have to be questioned, I didn't have to sit on a case, I didn't have to jure. Which isn't a word but I don't care.

I did get to do some people watching. What everyone had in common was that they all had their reasons that they were inconvenienced by being there. Some were too important, some were too needed by a herd of children at home, some were losing money by not working their regular shift. What, the $20 or whatever we're paid for the day doesn't pay the rent?

Oh, also, I totally got lost at the end of the day and spent 30 minutes wandering around downtown looking for the parking garage because I came out a different exit and some crazy lady said she knew where we were going. I had to call Joe and be all "I'm lost." And he was all "this is why I bought you a GPS." And I was all "yeah, but I can't even find the car!" And he was all "seriously, woman."

Good times. Good times...


mo.stoneskin said...

Reminds me of why I'm irritated by all things that aren't normality. By which I mean government, politics, local councils, anything that isn't in it for the money. By which I don't mean I'm all for full-out materialism and capitalism, but simply that I hate inefficiency. Of course, I'm pretty much very OCD and know my place on the freak spectrum but I hate wasted time DAMMIT! Ah well, on the upside, you made it on time...

Eternal Lizdom said...

Now I want to be called even more. I want a day of boredom... bring a good book and a bottle of water and NOT be bothered by husband, children, work... heavenly!

Anonymous said...

Sounds a lot like the first and last time (same time) I got called. Glad you survived.

MJenks said...

Seriously, woman.

You get $20. It's $12 here in North Carolina.

Isn't that the definition of "jury duty": something that, no matter what, inconveniences you more than the other eleven people you're sitting with.

Kathy said...

If I ever get called, I hope I am as lucky as you. If I can get by with just losing the car--it will be a good day LOL!

Anonymous said...

I HATE jury duty. I don't understand how some people love it??

blognut said...

Doesn't Gwen have a GPS application?

Cindy said...

Car keys need to be made with GPS to find their owners. My car has remote start, panic button, yada yada, so when I'm in a huge parking lot, I press panic and follow the beeping horn. Who cares who it bothers, right? hehe. But if you were totally on the completely wrong block to begin with, well, I feel sorry for you.

I've been summoned to jury duty 3 times in my life and each time, I've called the HOTLINE as I like to call it the night before, and they rattle off the list of names who do not need to show up. Every time my name has been on that list! Best when you are supposed to go on a that number after 5 pm Friday and BINGO! makes your weekend happy!

C. Beth said...

Ha ha, I love that you got lost on the way to the car. BTDT.

I'm very disappointed, though, that you didn't use the word "jurisprudence" in today's post. Just because I think that's such an awesome word.

TMC said...

I had jury duty a while back. I got as close as the hallway outside of the court room before they finally ended up dismissing us. The defendant's lawyer convinced him that it was smarter to take a plea deal than risk a jury trial.

I kind of wanted to serve. Just to do it once, you know? I've only ever been called twice.

betty said...

had to laugh about losing the car, but I've been there too (more times than I will admit)

glad it wasn't a bad day all in all and you didn't get put on a case

lucky you for $20 a day, they don't pay here for the first day, only the second if you are put on a jury; one of the "perks" of living in a poor state, they took away the $12 a day stipend for that first day of just sitting around and waiting

glad you won't be called for 2 years, that should be a stress reliever


Jeanie said...

You're lucky you are not my age...that whole getting lost thing would have made folks start thinking about what home to move me into. Glad you made it through.

Lisa said...

LOL! Sounds like you are most definitely directionally challenged. :)

silver star said...

I get lost just trying to find my car in my apartment parking lot! I'm glad you didn't have to yell out any racial slurs or anything like that to get out of it.