STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Two Choices

Door #1: Fall asleep quickly, wake up frequently due to coughing. Exhaustion due to lack of uninterrupted sleep. Generally have a sense that I'm losing my mind.

Door #2: Sometimes fall asleep quickly, other times toss and turn. Once you fall asleep, it's a long uninterrupted period (6+ hours). Constant headache and agitated feeling. Generally have a sense that I'm losing my mind.

Bonus: Since I'm currently playing with Door #2, I was "rewarded" with an extra nap last night courtesy of migraine meds.

I don't really like any of these doors. How do I go about obtaining a refund?


mo.stoneskin said...

Is there a customer service desk you could turn up at?

Unknown said...

i agree with mo.

i think you should lodge a formal complaint.

and also distribute some face punches.

seriously? door #3? new doctor?


blognut said...

You should stop losing your mind.

I've heard face punching helps with that.

Nessa said...

You need a new game to play.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Turkey Butt

Margaret said...

I know what you are saying! When and if you find the refund desk let me know!

Grand Pooba said...

Well it all depends if you paid for these lovely items you seek a refund for. lol

I hate to tell you this because, well, I'm not sure if you'll be jealous or think less of me, but I took a nap on Saturday. A 22 HOUR NAP. No meds needed. I'm sorry?

Beth said...

My grandmother has a *special* recipe. Do you want me to ask her to share it?

Feel better!

Melissa B. said...

Nyquil. Works every time. Seriously. Feel better. Hope you're OK enough to enjoy Turkey Day. Have a happy!

C. Beth said...

Definitely choice C or 3 or whatever it's called...the one where you go to sleep easily, sleep 8+ hours, and wake up refreshed....

soulbrush said...

omg poor you, i would just take off my upper half and leave it at the door when i enter the bedroom at night.

TMC said...

Probably best that you never look too relaxed and vulnerable since Tonya's roaming the place at night.

I suggest you try an adirondack chair. And one of those U-shaped pillows for sleeping on planes. Or maybe you need an adult-sized one of those baby-jostler things that bounces.

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

Is there a window somewhere around there? Maybe find the escape hatch out of that room.

I'm sorry those are your options. They are horrible!