STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Confession: Give me a minute to jot that down

I have a confession to make... I am obsessed with lists. To the point that it may be a diagnosable illness.

I have lists for everything:
  • Weekly groceries
  • Daily to-do
  • Longterm home improvements
  • Trip packing
  • House cleaning
  • Books to read
  • Blog ideas

Even my lists have lists. The trip packing lists? Those are compartmentalized into Preparation (cancel the paper, leave a check for the cat sitter) and Packing, which is further broken down into Clothes, Medications, Toiletries, Entertainment, Other.

I've never met a situation that I couldn't make a list for. And being a closet bit of a certified tech geek, most of my lists are in some electronic format. The previous tool of choice was a Google Spreadsheet. But recently, the new "Tasks" list in Gmail owns my soul.

Some of my lists have even progressed to the point of being made into a database. A searchable database accessible through my website (password protected, of course!). Granted, this is more of a catalog situation, but what's a catalog if not a list? And it's all for the greater good. If Joe can search to see if we already own a CD before he purchases it, we end up with fewer duplicates!

I'm sure there's some fancy word for it (listmania?) and I'm also sure there's no cure. Especially this time of year - because I also get very excited about other people making lists. Year in Review? 2008 Wrap-Up? I can barely stand it!

Now, I'm off to create a list of things I need to do between now and our evening plans. As well as a list for work tomorrow. And a list of things to finish before New Years Eve. Oh, also, a list of things I'm starting on January 1st. Maybe I should start with a list of the lists I need to create...


The Wife O Riley said...

I am a HUGE list maker! And now I'm excited about the things you listed to make my hand written lists better! 2009 is going to be a very organized year, that is if I am able to stick to following the list this time.

Call Me Cate said...

Oh, I have a whole LIST of list-making tools! Sometimes I even complete the things on the lists I make!

Lyndsay said...

I am a list-making-queen. Although, I haven't really ventured into the electronic form of list making. (the internet already owns my soul, so I guess it doesn't matter at this point). Perhaps that would allow me to keep better track of my lists. I'm typically clad with a plethora of sticky-note lists. I knew it was bad one night when I started making a list on my margarita napkin.

Oh and do you ever add something to the list that you've already done, just so you can mark it off?

Yeah, um, me either.

Annelie said...

Listmaniacs unite! It's nice to see that I am not alone in my list making obsession. And Lyndsay, I would never, um, do that either...

Call Me Cate said...

Lyndsay - what a foreign idea, this whole putting things on the list just to cross them off. The idea has surely never occurred to me... Index cards and sticky notes (or index cards with attached sticky notes!) were my list-tool of choice for a long time. I still go back to them, depending on the purpose.

A - Maybe if we can come up with a list of enough of us, we can find a group discount on therapy.

Lyndsay said...

Yes,s I've been guilty of post-it's, index cards, random bits of paper, envelopes, you name it. Actually last week I bought an uber-cute bound journal, thinking maybe I could work on at least putting it all there.

I think maybe I've stumbled upon a NY resolution.

That, or just add my name to the therapy waiting list.

Call Me Cate said...

Those are the best NY resolutions. The ones that serve a practical purpose and reveal themselves to you organically. As opposed to "hmm, making this NYR list, what can I throw on there?".

Tabitha Blue said...

Haha, I LOVE this.... I'm a list lover... maybe not to this extent. But I love this!!!! You go with all your great lists!!!!!


Call Me Cate said...

Tabitha - I've been back to work only 21 minutes and I've already made three lists. I'll be sure to blog about my intervention when it happens.

holly said...

Cate, you must buy this if you don't already have it:

It's like an overview of your life in lists. It's awesome.