STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Stay Off the Roads

Maybe I'm a wimp, but when the governor, Dept of Transportation, and weather folks all tell me to stay off the roads because the conditions are dangerous, I tend to think that means I should, oh, I dunno, stay off the roads.

This means not running out because I'm bored. Not heading out to the gym just because I can't run in the snow (assuming the gym is even open). Not attending a play or sports event. And not going to work since I'm not emergency staff and can do my job completely from home thanks to the wonders of technology.

It really infuriates me to see people out on the roads in these conditions when they don't need to be. I don't care if you're on a moped or in your big stupid truck. There's no reason to be out, especially when it's icy.

And that goes double for the places still holding events, thus prompting people to be out on the roads. We lost $50 in tickets because there was no way we were going out Saturday night and the venue chose to hold the event and offer no refund/exchange options. Our church (I use the term our loosely here) held services this morning for anyone who was able to attend. As a result, some chick bitched out one of our priests on Facebook this morning because her husband was running the sound system and felt obligated to go out even though he felt it unsafe since services hadn't been canceled. I blame that partly on the church and partly on the guy for not using his own judgment to opt out.

Anyways, I guess what this all boils down to is that I enjoyed my weekend of being snowed in. I accomplished a lot but I also put some things off, figuring I'd also have all day Monday to clean the house and prepare some things for work. And now it's after 5pm Sunday as I write this and rather than continue to work on things, I'm now spazzing about the fact that I have to be on the road for work tomorrow when all of the powers that be except the boss who controls the City budget say travel will be unsafe.

Unless I opt out. Because unlike the church guy, I have the ability to make my own decisions. And while my bosses all think they're more powerful than Jesus the Savior Jesus the lawn guy God, they're sadly mistaken.


mo.stoneskin said...

Sorry about that, taking my moped out in the dangerous conditions I mean, my big stupid moped...

"Infuriates" is to put it lightly.

The Brown Recluse (TBR) said...

Too bad folks don't use the good sense that God gave them. Just seems to me if they DOT is saying stay off the roads, churches and events should cancel.

Melissa B. said...

We were iced in this morning, and the school district STILL made the teachers come in for the insipid inservice. Seriously. Glad you enjoyed your comfy nest!

Nessa said...

Rabbit, Rabbit

Yeah, what you said. Of course, I'll look for any excuse to stay home.

Grand Pooba said...

I see this ALL THE TIME in Utah too, drives me nuts!!

Autumn said...

They FINALLY announced school closings here late last night and like many other people in my town I chose to run to Walmart BEFORE the ice and snow came. I too was appalled to see people driving down our street when it was totally iced over though. Here I am ice skating in the street and some idiot is trying to drive his car down it. Love this post!

Unknown said...

i love travel advisory messages that tell you "do not recommend travel" but then you still can't use that excuse for not going to work.

by "love" i mean "IDIOTIC".

but i totally LOVE you.


Margaret said...

I have to agree with you. Why don't more people listen and make smart choices?

C. Beth said...

I wanna be snowed in!!

2cats said...

That's wht free will is all about. But some people forget how to use it.
People should use their own judgment when: they have a temp over 100, are throwing up, are the color of green, when road conditions are nasty...all this means is stay home.

blognut said...

Damn Mo and his moped! I knew that was him!