STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Going Home

This weekend, Joe and I are flying to hell "home" to visit our families. Primarily, to visit my sister Tina and her kids. Collin is now about 21 months and Caley is about 3 weeks old. If nothing else, I figure the experience will be good for at least one blog post.

I haven't been "home" since Collin was a month old and that trip didn't go well. I was so anxious that I spent the entire trip being miserably sick. But that was before my friend Lexapro. And before Xanax. And beyond the medication, I think I've made great progress with my other coping mechanisms.

Still, I find myself very on edge. It usually starts to hit me when we're packing. It's an early morning flight and I'm not an early morning girl. Travel makes me more nervous than it should but between security, layovers, and possible weather, I can't seem to put away all of those antsy feelings.

Assuming we arrive in one piece, I'm hopeful the weather will cooperate. I'll have enough to keep calm about without weather worries. I've identified two major stress areas for the trip so that I can compartmentalize them and get past them.

The first is visiting my grandmother. She never misses an opportunity to rehash all of the family history and her bitterness at my parents. She's totally entitled to her feelings and I won't disagree with them. I share many of them myself. But it serves no purpose to talk about them again. It only freaks me out. Gramma is also getting quite old (she'll be 80 in April) and always tells me that it's good to see me because she thought she might die before we visited again. Stuff like that. Very pleasant.

The second big stress event will be Sunday morning. My sister is having the kids dedicated (think Protestant for baby baptism) at the family church that day. It's a pretty big deal and I'm excited that she's planning it for a time when we can be there. But the idea of going to my parents' church makes me want to vomit. They are a tiny rural church, totally judgmental and totally in everyones' business. They hate gays, they hate dancing, they miss the days of Prohibition, they hate Catholics (I'm still going to hell for marrying "one of those heathens" as my mother's friend told me on my wedding day). And since they're all my mother's friends, she has badmouthed me to them for years. That's not paranoia; that's a fact. My brother's and sister's weddings were both extremely uncomfy for me as a result.

On top of it all, I weigh 70 lbs more than I did last time I was there. But no way do I say to any of them "it's called depression and medication". Instead, family and "friends" can just think "wow, Cate's really a fatass!" Believe me, I know I'm overweight. It's hard to not let the depression get the best of me so I can do something about it.

But despite all of that, I'm really looking forward to seeing my brother, SIL, sister, and niece & nephew. I'm trying to work out the possibility of doing a bit of spoiling. I'm also trying to work out a plan to abscond with my sister alone for a bit because I think that time would serve us both well.

And the best thing you can all do for me is hope that Gwen will have coverage in Northeast Nowhere. Because Gwen is my lifeline. If the plane lands and I can't find the little Verizon guy, it's not going to be pretty.


silver star said...

Not to steal one of your labels, but it will all be ok. I see you leaving this trip relieved, and (at least) two spoiled kids that will be madly in love with their aunt Cate. The weight gain, they'll probably be too busy being critical of Joe with his catholic ways and everything. Best of luck with the caddy church people, verizon guy (he's not in my area last I checked), flights, and a HUGE good luck with your wonderful sounding family!

C. Beth said...

Cate, I hope it's bearable and even enjoyable! I'm sorry for all the pre-trip stress. :(

mo.stoneskin said...

Ah yes, fatalistic grandparents, nothing beats that. I'm expecting a full 30 posts from your grandmother conversations.

The Brown Recluse (TBR) said...

Hey're going to do just fine, your two little friends will help you out.
When the negative talkers start talking, if you can't start walking, then let it go in one ear and out the other. Some folks have NOTHING else to do.
I sure hope you get some alone time with your sister. I'm looking forward to hearing that this trip was the best ever.
When I first started reading your blog, you had gone on vacation with family...must have been the last time you saw them, seems like it wasn't that long ago. You said you were afraid you'd break the baby. lol

Kathy said...

Cate, I'll be thinking of you this weekend. I come from a bit of a dysfunctional family myself(don't we all?) Just let it "roll off your back like rain water" when someone does or says something crazy. I'm sure it means a lot to your sister to have you there. Best wishes--and remember...roll baby roll! Kathy

Toni said...

I'm sorry to hear that a trip home is so stressful for you. I hope everything turns out well and it goes smoothly.

Grand Pooba said...

Wow. Quite the vacation you've got ahead of you. Just focus on the niece and nephew!

good luck, visiting family really shouldn't be this stressfull!

Betty W said...

I hope it goes better than you think/fear! But I do understand your feelings. My family is similar...

Nessa said...

Families are dangerous. I hope you make it back in one piece.

Sensational Haiku Wednesday

Brenda Susan said...

I hope it is totally opposite what you are expecting! Negative talkers are often from a certain generation that just don't know any other way to have a conversation, be glad you don't live near them! Hubs & I call these trips not really vacations but
obli-cations. As in obligations/vacations.

spiritsoflena said...

I hope the bright spots of the trip make up for all the stressful ones!

betty said...

it will be nice to see the baby/nephew and your siblings. I'm hoping everyone else will play fair and try to treat you/Joe wit respect while you are there

and if not, just keep popping those Xanax


Jeanie said...

Yikes! I hope it all goes well, and it sounds like you've got some attitude and good advice from commenters that will help you through. Be sure to get some time alone with your sister.

debi9kids said...

Oh my! I hope you have packed an ample supply of your meds and try to focus on the good stuff...
