STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Yeah, it's Friday, and Lent. Which means it's time for the annual argument in our house about whether or not fish is meat. (For the record, yes, duh, it is. If you don't agree or your name is Joe get your own blog!)

So I will have to remind him that I already won this battle last year. Like I have won all battles in the past and will continue to win them in the future. Because I am woman, hear me rawr!

Not being at an overly religious place in my life right now, I did wonder briefly about giving something up for Lent. And I finally decided I was giving up the idea of giving up something for Lent. But then yesterday, I realized that maybe I'd just use the next 40 days to take on something instead.

The thing I'm taking on? Me. Work has been hellish this week. Horrible, demanding, insulting, and demoralizing. And it's not as simple as just finding a new job because (Reader's Digest condensed version) Joe's job is currently a bit up in the air. Not as in he's in danger of being fired or "resourced" but more that some decisions are being made that he doesn't agree with and he may be choosing to move on in about six months.

So while I'm sitting tight and Lenting, I'm going to focus on redoing my professional website to strengthen my position for moving in a direction I like.

That seems much more productive than arguing about fish. Especially since fish is so unquestionably meat.


CiCi said...

Times are tough out there for lots of people. I hope your husband is in a position to stay with his current job and have time to look for and secure a new, better job.

Anonymous said...

I gave up smoking for Lent, but at this point I am ready to stab someone, hide the body and just go to confessions.

Fish is meat... Wonder if I can smoke it. You'd be amazed at my logic as to what is and isn't technically considered smoking....

I don't think I am gonna make it.

C. Beth said...

Wow, that seems like a really great thing to focus on for Lent! Good for you. :)

Kelly L said...

Fish is never an issue with me - I hate hate hate it - unless it's sushi but then only if it's yellowtail...

I am not Catholic but I am trying to think about giving up chocolate for Lent.... and sugar... key word thinking about it and we're already into the 3rd day.. oops

Love to you.

Grand Pooba said...

I still don't know what lent is. But yes, fish is meat!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

"Lenting" a verb...I like it!

Aunt Julie said...

Men are such dopes. Yeah, fish is meat, just not RED meat. Salmon, well the really good stuff is red, but I can't afford that, so salmon
is pink. For Lent,I gave up eating bad stuff, and starting today I had planned to eat only enough to get by (beach vacation at hand) but by 1:00, that was out the window. But it's OK. I don't think Lutherans have to give anything up!

Autumn said...

Lol, I just found out my boyfriend doesn't really like seafood. I sat there just saying "Really?! You don't?" over and over until I finally said "You know I'm from Florida though right?!" Haha. I LOVE seafood, LOVE IT!!!

There's an award for you on my blog by the way (Friday's post)

TMC said...

I'm glad you're being proactive even though things seem to suck. It's an excellent response to the stress of having to work with stupid people. Go on, Cate!

Missy | Literal Mom said...

You got that right sister!

holly said...

found your blog from autumn's site. you're too funny not to follow.
also, on the subject of lent, my husband works for the archdiocese and gets crap all the time for bringing a turkey sandwich for lunch on fridays.