STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dental Appointment

Today, I request that you think some good thoughts.

You see, Tonya is going in for her dental cleaning this morning. They will sedate her, clean her remaining teeth, and then send her home.

This, after not being allowed to eat or drink after 9pm last night. Yeah, she was a happy kitty this morning. Totally going to eat someone's face.

Last time I left her at their office for the "entire day", they called me at 11am begging me to please retrieve my cat because she was hissing and speaking in tongues and her head was spinning like in Exorcist. Was I wrong in thinking "you're charging me a gazillion dollars, can't you DO something about that?"

So let's think good thoughts. For me, as I tend to feel very upset when my fur freaks are not well or are visiting the vet for any reason. For the vet staff, that they will retain all of their limbs and no blood will be drawn.

And for Tonya, who I hope awakes with cleaner teeth, fresher breath, and just as much spunk as she went in with. Because that's my girl.


Donnetta said...

Poor Tonya! Poor YOU! Here's to Tonya being a perfect kitty, and you not getting any phone calls to pick up your possessed cat!

Unknown said...

perhaps she'll even let you cuddle with her while she tries to shake off the after effects of the anesthesia.

i <3 tonya!


The Wife O Riley said...

I am channeling all my energy for you right now.

TMC said...

I think that Tonya and Rusty should have their pictures taken with the Easter Bunny this year. Just a thought.

C. Beth said...

Looking forward to hearing how it went....

Margaret said...

I am sure she will be on one when you get her home lol.

Jeanie said...

I'm laughing about them calling you to pick her up early on her last visit because she was speaking in tongues, etc. I agree, for what they charge, they should be able to deal with it. Here's to a spunky, fresh-breathed Tonya.

blognut said...

Can't you just have her gargle with some Scope and chew on a nylabone? Then you wouldn't have the stress of these teeth cleaning visits. :)

Jim said...

Our Adi beagle dog has had her teeth cleaned three times now.
I hope things go good with Tonya.

I am mostly coming here to tell you that Dr. John of Dr. John's Fortress died Monday. He was a regular on 6WS. I read his blog every day.

I have a post about it and the link to his last blog and a couple of other links.
You will have to paste this link:

Eternal Lizdom said...

"Last time I left her at their office for the "entire day", they called me at 11am begging me to please retrieve my cat because she was hissing and speaking in tongues and her head was spinning like in Exorcist. "

THIS had me laughing at my desk!!! Out LOUD!