STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Monday, February 22, 2010


It's Monday and I didn't write a post last night like I usually do. In fact, I didn't accomplish much of anything yesterday. This was in part due to the headache that's been following me around like a lost ugly smelly puppy for the past few days. After tripping over a curb and falling on my face, Joe took me home and ordered me to bed with some medication. I felt much improved after the nap but too zoned out to cross anything off my list.

But one thing I did accomplish was a good talk with a friend. We're both struggling with a lot of similar battles right now and I felt so much better after I talked to her. We managed to remind each other that focusing on the things we didn't do shouldn't overshadow the things we did finish.

And, really, I had a kickass week last week in many ways.

So now it's Monday and I didn't accomplish a great post for you but I did manage a little progress in my head. Maybe that will mean a great post for you tomorrow. And another week of kicking ass for me.


Autumn said...

I've had a headache for a few days myself. Taken everything from advil to benedryl to a muscle relaxer I try to stay far, far away from. Nothing made it go away fully. I gave up and ran anyway. I'm thinking it's allergies for sure, oh well time to power through and as mo suggested kick the damn puppy in the face!! (That sounds so awful!! Lol)

The Brown Recluse (TBR) said...

There's no puppy that's ugly! Smelly, maybe, but not ugly.
Hate to hear you fell...I did that a few months ago at the local roadhouse, tripped on the curb. Duh, like I didn't see it there, I did!
Tell mo.stoneskin that you don't kick little puppies. :D

blognut said...

Only Mo would kick a puppy, no matter how ugly or smelly.

And you, Cate? You can officially relax. I think you can give yourself a break about feeling like you have to post long posts, funny posts, original posts, whatever posts. Just write what you want, when you want to write it and don't make it into an obligatory sort of thing. Relax. Live your life, girl. You're young and you're supposed to be having some fun in this world.

C. Beth said...

Progress in your head is a very good thing. :) I'm glad today is looking up....

Nessa said...

I hope you are feeling better. Head work is very important.