STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Monday, February 15, 2010

President's Day

For some reason, despite the fact that I work for a local government, I do not have today off. If the post office, with all their wind and sleet and snow and yappy dogs don't have to work, why do I?

This is unfair. Inhumane. UNAMERICAN!!!

Plus, it's also a Monday and I really think Mondays should just be banned anyways.

Elect me next time around, I'll give us all Mondays off. Or at the very least, I'll give ME Mondays off. President Cate, ruler of the free world and the interwebz. This would make me a happier person, which means less punching people in the face, which means the world will be a more peaceful place.

Yes, a vote for Cate is a vote for world peace!

Eh, who am I kidding? I can't even convince the voices in my head to vote me President of Catedonia.


Jeanie said...

I would vote for anyone who will give me Mondays off, so if you will include me in the deal I'll be there voting for you.

Unknown said...

I would vote for you for a single Monday off, if not all of them. I don't think that it is fair that some places get to close for certain holidays. We should ALL get to enjoy the day off. I work for a university and it always bugs me on days the students get off that I have to be stuck here working. It just isn't fair.

Miss. C said...

I work for the State and have enjoyed my Monday off! I am shocked that you have to work! That policy does need changed!!!

Autumn said...

I've always thought that if we had Monday's off from work then we would all hate Tuesdays. And I like my Tuesdays. I'll vote for you because I think you'd be hilarious and straight forward and would probably punch people in the face just because you could (as prez ya know?) But I don't mind Mondays, just let us keep our American holidays (like today) off!! Even my kids have school today, how unfair is that?!

The Wife O Riley said...

Then we would all hate Tuesday. But, I'm sure the rest of your platform is worthy, so you still have my vote.

MJenks said...

I don't have the day off, either.

But then, I don't work for government.

Nor for a bank.


I'm thinking maybe I made a poor career choice...

betty said...

thing is whenever you have a 3-day weekend, you pay for it for the rest of the week (or at least we did when I worked in medical offices). I am working too, but it is 83 degrees outside, so I can't complain

I'd vote for you :)


silver star said...

I think most of my co-workers have Mondays off, but they do have to work the other 6 or 5 if they get Tuesday off as well. I think the only reason our city government was closed today was for a furlough day. I work in Security, so it's rare to actually get a holiday off, unless it falls on your normal day off and someone doesn't take the day off that's normally there.

TMC said...

I had to work today too and my company even has USA in the title!

C. Beth said...

That's bizarre! The Engineer's company isn't exactly generous with days off (eh, you can celebrate MLK day by working!!) but even he has today off! Hope your day wasn't too bad.

Melissa B. said...

We (the teachers) were summoned in today to get ready for our cherubs after so much time off. Strangely, it was fun to be back. Think all this snow has gone to my head!

Grand Pooba said...

Seriously? You had to work? Even I got work off.

Poor thing!

The Brown Recluse (TBR) said...

Yes, I will vote for Cate.
But...after you are elected, you're gonna have to do something about that "new Monday" which is Tuesday.

blognut said...

I'm sorry. I can't vote for you.

Even if I weren't busy voting for me, I couldn't vote for you if it would ultimately result in your punching fewer people in the face.

I live for this. Punch away.