STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Friday, July 24, 2009

I hate it when...

... your employer (both as an organization and your boss individually) is telling you to be creative, be innovative, come up with ways to increase efficiency and decrease costs.

So you come up with three ideas that do exactly that. Truly genius ideas.

And then the boss shoots them all down. Because they're too outside the box.

Guess I misunderstood the assignment.


TMC said...

Same thing happens to me. Sometimes I think they assign me projects they have no intention of implementing just to keep me busy and out of trouble.

Fannyfanackapan said...

I know how you feel, I did a short term contract at the NHS doing a 'Service Improvement' project. We produced reams of data, pages and pages of recommendations and great ideas, working within the limitations of budget.

They filed it.

I left.


blognut said...

Welcome to my life!


That sucks, doesn't it?

Mariana Soffer said...

I simply hate those situations, they are awfull, they are suppose to make the company work, but indeed what they do is make the owner get more money.
Besides another sentence I really do not like it
thinking out of the box,
it is crappy poetry that one.

mo.stoneskin said...

That's basically a Dilbert strip you described just there!

Everyday Goddess said...

There are just so many ways you can stand on your head to please people. I'm sure your ideas were great! They laughed at Einstein too.

Tina said...

That's so sad....

Sorry he did this to you!

betty said...

their loss; its too bad though that they weren't even willing to consider and do at least one of your ideas.


mzbehavin said...

Inside the box is both boring, and overrated.......

I left you a present over on my blog...

MJenks said...

Welcome to corporate America.

Unknown said...

put ex-lax in his morning coffee.

by lunchtime you won't see him for the rest of the day.


Intense Guy said...

Perhaps your ideas will sprout at another time and in another place - once the pointy hair boss digests what you presented.

At face value - they might not of struck a cord - but upon "futher review" they may yet.

What will suck is - if he's not honest later on - and presents that "germinated" idea as his own.

Rochelle said...

How frustrating Cate! I have a friend who was told by her boss to "stop having so many ideas" because it was making her co-workers feel bad!

C. Beth said...

Incredibly frustrating.

If Chickie read your title, she'd say, "That's not a nice word, Miss Cate." That's what she told me when I said, "I hate when..." something or other, the other day. Oops. I thanked her for reminding me that I shouldn't use that word. It's going to be really hard to get it out of my vocabulary. That, and "stupid."

Also yesterday she kept saying, "I'm not supposed to say 'dammit.'"


The Rambler said...

I CAN'T stand that.



Your "outside the box" thinking genius is always appreciated HERE. :)

Eric said...

Sorry to hear your ideas were shot down. All my thinking is inside the box, it's just an really really enormously huge box that's bigger than that of your boss.

Claudya Martinez said...

Genius is usually not appreciated in its own time.

Megan said...

How frustrating! Ugh! =(

soulbrush said...

i think the boss doesn't want anyone to be better than he is...bosses are so 'up their own asses' with power (that's what i think!!!)

Toriz said...

So, "be creative, but don't be too creative, because we have no imagination and we'll shoot your ideas down if they're too creative for us to have come up with," basically.