STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Friday, July 03, 2009

Inspiration everywhere

Every morning, I am greeted by 43 spam emails a lovely quote sent to my Inbox while I sleep.

The message looks something like this:

But on Wednesday, I was greeted instead by this:

It's hard not to feel like even the quotes have given up on me. "Hey, don't send one to that Cate chick - it's a waste of a quote since she fails to be inspired."

Only, I currently am inspired. So SCREW YOU quotes! You can have a punch in the face and an unsubscribe!


Anonymous said...

Sorry you didn't get a quote. Here's one for ya:

"When life sucks and hands you lemons, I say beat the crap out of it and demand some Florida oranges as well."

Ms Cupcake said...

Morning! Now following your blog.

Checking in from sits. The big holiday weekend is almost here!

Ms Cupcake
Zen Cupcake

mo.stoneskin said...

And besides, the quote they did send is just plain wrong. I'm not an angel and I don't even have a wing.

C. Beth said...

The angel quote is awesomely cheesy.

Anonymous said...

fun-ny!! :-)

blognut said...

Wow. I didn't have you pegged for the inspirational quote of the day subscriber.

But hey - now I'm thinking you should have a Daily Punch In The Face sort of thing and I'll totally sign up for it.

Rochelle said...

"even the quotes have given up on me" hilarious! Glad that you ARE inspired (blank quote senders be damned!) and are feisty and punchy and everything.

betty said...

its like opening a fortune cookie and not having a fortune in it (has happened to me in the past). I have my spam filter the highest it goes and its amazing how much spam still filters through to my regular email. The latest one that I've been getting is to go to Real Estate School online. I must get that 10 times a day; I always unsubscribe to every single spam or other thing I don't want to get and I still get tons more; junk mail for the computer for sure


Betty said...

You go girl! :)

Dumb Mom said...

Isn't that awesome. I hate it that even machines can't be trusted to do what they say they are gonna. Am I bitter about something? Possibly...But, I'll get over it. Stopped by from SITS to say hello:)

Jan Holt said...

"Cate, you are too awesome for quotes anyway!" by Petalsyoga

That's your quote for the day.

June said...

You are located between my couch cushions?
Sorry about the chili. :-[

MJW said...

You are hilarious :)

Molly said...

aww thanks for the blog comment! your blog is amazing!! :) have a great day!