STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cooking with Gordon

On Friday, I took a mental health day from work. It was kinda necessary and I made great use of it but doing a lot of nothing.

Part of the nothing involved watching a couple of shows on the DVR. That is when I saw this:

If you can't watch the YouTube video because your employer makes you ask permission to pee blocks YT or if you choose to be disagreeable by not watching it because you want me to punch you in the face, here's what you're missing: Gordon Ramsay making an absolutely mouth-watering chicken dish complete with basil, tomato and fresh mozzarella.

Now, basil, tomato and fresh mozzarella are one of my favorite flavor combinations. Joe's also a fan so when I showed him the video, he agreed - we must make this!

Sunday night was the night. The video gave enough information that I could make it straight from that but I managed to find the exact recipe online. After a bit of translating (the only important bit is that 200°C is roughly 400°F), we were underway. I made sure to swear adequately at Joe while I was cooking - I don't think Gordon Ramsay recipes work any other way.

It was a quick dish, a simple dish, and an amazing dish. The only thing we did differently is that I used fresh basil from our garden even where the recipe called for dried and I used about half a cup of dry white wine when we were cooking up the tomato/sauce mixture. Oh, and I skipped his sides. Because it's my kitchen, you $%^@ing donut, and I wanted too!

The results? See for yourself:

Beautiful and delicious. Even Joe agreed that it was worth being called a stupid donkey if it meant he could eat this for dinner!

Now, $%@& off, all of ya!

Programming Note: Gordon's back on tv starting tonight - it's a new season of Hell's Kitchen. I'll be there!


mzbehavin said...

you've made me hungry for chicken..... at 8:10 Am....


C. Beth said...

Oh, that looks like it turned out awesome. Now that I've seen his video, and your post, I must make it. Can I get the link to the written recipe? Thanks!

mo.stoneskin said...

Did you know that Gordon's cooker doesn't run on gas or electricity. It runs purely on his swears.

Toni said...

Oh my word! That looks so good! I've never seen anyone show someone how to make a main dish in a minute, thirty.

Take that Rachel Ray!

blognut said...

If you're going to make a habit of posting about food, my diet is going to crash and burn.

The Wife O Riley said...

That looks wonderful! The swearing is the extra ingredient that I put in all of my dishes. It makes them extra special.

Debbi said...


betty said...

yummy! that looks scrumptious and easy to cook! I always enjoy watching Hell's Kitchen; its interesting to figure out who might be asked to leave the show weekly


Unknown said...

you mean most people don't swear while cooking?


and you can be my chef anytime.

i may even do the dishes to thank you.


Jenn @ youknow... that blog? said...

Wow, I feel thoroughly abused and punched in the face! Poor Joe for getting sworn at! Something tells me you have a bit of a mean streak in you... heehee ;)

That looks awesome, and I don't even like tomatoes.

I'd use fresh basil too!

So... my birthday is tomorrow, and because I'm demanding and obnoxious sometimes around this time of year, for a present I want you to come and submit a haiku for Silly Haiku Wednesday! Please. :) It's easy, I swear!

Claudya Martinez said...

Damn, why did I have to read this while I'm hungry! Now my mouth is watering and my stomache is grumbling.

Rochelle said...

Yeah, I was going to have popcorn for lunch (again) but noooo now you made me want fancy schmancy stuff that has to be cooked - THANKS! ;->

Betty W said...

This looks really great! I´ll have to check out that link.
And if swearing makes it better, I can do that too.... :)

2cats said...

I've been looking for a new chicken recipe to share with a friend. She is coming Wednesday to stay for a few days.
Thanks for dinner.

Just say Julie said...

Looks wonderful, and easy enough for me to make. Thanks!

Grand Pooba said...

Holy crap, your a chef! Or is it cheffette?

Jan Holt said...

Now THAT is #*(&%#%*&# Awesome!

SugarandSpice said...

LOL! Please don't punch me:) I love Gordan Ramsey. Thsnks for sharing... I love food!

Toriz said...

My Mam likes to watch him. Personally I detest cooking shows. I didn't used to mind them, but after spending six months living with someone who wouldn't watch anything else... Well, let's just say that if I never see another cooking show again it will be too soon!