STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Some Random Bits

Since I didn't write a post last night (which is my preferred method because I'm not exactly on top of my game first thing in the morning), I'm just going to share a couple of random bits.

First, I'm taking a mental health/exhaustion day from work today. My best night of sleep all week was last night and involved three two-hour stretches. Which means I'm barely even entering a true sleep state. Also, work has been a bit crazy, not so much in a "so much to do" way but more in a "boss is aggravating me, projects are aggravating me, I HATE EVERYONE LEAVEMEALONE" way. So, yeah. Mental health day it is.

Speaking of mental health, tomorrow both kitties have their annual exams. Tonya has finished her meds without too much drama (though she did hide one bottle of pills under the stove so we couldn't find it) and seems to be doing well. We use the "divide and conquer" method when it comes to annual exams. Joe goes with me and sits in the waiting room with one cat while I have the other cat in with the vet. Sometimes Joe has to join me in the exam room (along with a small army of vet staff and a large towel) when it's time for Tonya's shots. Wish us luck with that.

Lastly, I wanted to share a link to a site that I found on Slacker-Chick's blog. The site is called She Writes and it's a network for women writers of, well, just about anything. Blogs, stories, manuscripts, poems... If you put words together, there's probably a place for you there. I just signed up last night and haven't had a lot of time to explore but so far it looks promising so you might want to check it out. Or you might not and that's fine too. No face-punching, I promise.

I think that's about it for me this morning. I'm going to spend some time pursuing creative "stuff" today and hopefully napping. Come back tomorrow for Six Word Saturday.

P.S.: I know the blogging has been a bit weak around here this week. Lack of sleep and other projects (good, bad and ugly) have been dominating my will to live efforts a bit. Next week will be better.


mo.stoneskin said...

I knew Tonya had hidden the pills, she paged me. Actually, you may find a pack of paracetamol under the guest bed. Had a headache, she said.

Intense Guy said...

You got a tweet - from @Tonya... it says "Noooooooooooooooooo! Me not goin' to VET fer shots"

Amazing cat.

Fannyfanackapan said...

Glad to see you took your duvet day today. Jonah due for his shots tomorrow too, so I will definitely be thinking of you!

blognut said...

Can I get an over/under bet on how many stitches it'll take to repair you after Tonya gets her shots?

Rochelle said...

Sounds like a good idea to rest up before you take your kitties to the vet too! Enjoy your day off (and thanks for the link! :->).

betty said...

that Tonya is one smart cat to try to hide the medicine bottle; good luck with the checkups

I hope you get some rest today; so sorry its been a stressful week


Grand Pooba said...

Mental health days are a must! Good luck with Tonya!

JennyMac said...

Enjoy the day off...and thanks for the link to that site.

Moxie said...

One of my cats always pukes on the way to the vet. My mom has to hold him in her lap on the way there.

As for me, I'm can't go to the vet with my cats because of my allergies to dogs and what not.

But yeah, good luck (and have fun) at the vet's office.

Unknown said...

did i ever tell you that when i worked in a vet clinic years ago i had a cat bite me?

he was the fattest cat i'd ever seen (27lbs) and had to come in to get his nails clipped.

i still remember his name.

"tony macomber".

what an awesome cat name. tres tough.

i'm crossing my fingers for you tomorrow...get some sleep, say hi to rusty and my love to tonya!


C. Beth said...

Ugh, I really hate being sleepy. I have been just a little sleep deprived this week and it totally affects my motivation level. And I've gotten a whole lot more sleep than you have, so I can imagine you must be somewhat zombie-ish. I hope you're feeling better after a well-timed day off.

Melissa B. said...

Thanks for the She Writes link...I will definitely check this out! We have a "put them all together and let them duke it out" method with our cats and the vet. They get tumbled into the same carrier, much to their chagrin, but once they realize where they're headed, they're perfectly happy to peacefully long as they don't have to get out of the carrier. When I life one out at a time, much hilarity ensues!

2cats said...

Vet trips are no fun. My 20 pounder always poops himself on the way there. It is so hard to give the cat a bath in the back seat of the car while he is still in a crate.
Good Luck.

Jenn @ youknow... that blog? said...

You're totally due a day off, and a slower blog week. No one can be at the top of their game 24/7! I think it's going around, too... I've got nothin' much going on this week either. ;)

I've got my 6ws ready to fly for 12:01 though - I will come back to throw my link on too, as soon as I drag my carcass out of bed in the morning. It's been a very long day.

Have a good one!

Anonymous said...

When I can't sleep I go in for an acupuncture session!

Toriz said...

Good luck with the sleep attempts. *Hugs*