STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Opposite Day

Monday was all about quiet.

Tuesday was all about noise and disruption and frustration. I can't hear myself think today, either due to outside chaos or things bouncing around my mind.

It was also one of those days when everyone wanted to run something by me but it seemed most didn't really want to hear what I had to say. Oh, what, my opinion is different from yours? I'm sorry you didn't receive the pat on the back you were looking for but when you asked what I thought, I took that to mean you actually wanted my input.

Also, work was offering free health screenings and my drama llama boss managed to come in and completely spaz me out 10 minutes before my blood pressure check. Great...

Wednesday is a new day. I'm working from home and planning to fit in a lot of creative projects.

That's right, I'll be the one feeling focused and having a fantastic day on Wednesday.

Or I'll punch someone in the face.

Look for new Cate goodies coming soon!


Anonymous said...

"punch someone in the face" LMAO

I might actually do that today. Haha

MJenks said...

They've been trying to guilt us into all these health screenings. A lot of people went to them. Amazingly enough, all of those people had something wrong with them, from kidney failure to advanced stages of heart disease.

Naturally, the same people who did the "free" screenings will offer consultations on how to fix that which ails you...for a nominal fee.

blognut said...

I'll tell you one thing for sure - if I have the same kind of day today that I had yesterday, someone is most certainly going to get punched in the face.


Unknown said...

you'd better relax and have a good day:)

looking forward to seeing what you have up your sleeve...

and your boss sounds like a dink.


Moxie said...

Painting slim jim cans is a good, creative way to be... well, lazy. It took me no inspiration once so EVER to do it. :)

I hope your week becomes so peaceful you can't stand it. Hehe.

Rochelle said...

"drama llama" Ha! I'm going to steal that, thanks. Hope there is no punching today.

C. Beth said...

I hope today is a MUCH better day!

I Love Brownies said...

You definitely need a brownie! Breath deep! :)

Just say Julie said...

hoping that you did get to focus at home today, and can't wait to see the projects in all their phases!

Beth said...

I think you and I working together could be a good thing. I promise I'm not a drama llama.

Toriz said...

That's how it often is. People ask for your opinion, but what they really want is for you to tell them that they're the king/queen of knowing what's best, and that they're obviously going to make the right decission because they're so awesome.