STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Quick confession

Ok, I'm gonna make this quick because I'm a bit under the influence going to watch a movie with TADA!!!! SuperJoe!!! Also, you may want to just skip this blog today.

Here goes.

I have a confession to make. Today (erm, Saturday), I sold my soul to the devil struck a deal with myself that may or may not be in my best interest. But, really who's to say?

Here's the dealio. We went for massages at Massage Envy. And I talked Joe into signing us up for the membership which entitles me to monthly massage goodness. The trade-off (not that he mentioned this or that it was even brought up) is that I'm not going to reinstate my gym membership.

See, the gym is supposedly running great deals which they won't tell you the details about until you show up in person. Because they think I'll be all "wow, they're in my face, how can I refuse?" when really, I'm fine with saying "gimme for this much or I walk!" So the deal is happening this Monday/Tuesday and I was going to go but now I think I can't justify both so I'm happy to have the massage.

Probably the gym membership is more beneficial because I'm currently a total blubber butt trying to lose weight. But, then, last month I spent $20 on Gold's Gym for the Wii. And then about a week ago I spent $60 for EA Active for the Wii. Today, I spent another $30 to buy a wireless nunchuck for the Wii because I'm tired of strangling myself during shoulder presses. EA Active I'm confident is worthwhile and may get results. And more importantly, I need to quit eating, which the gym isn't going to help with anyways.

(A quick aside - EA Active is WAY more intense and all-around workout that Gold's Gym. Lots of attacking specific muscles, plus cardio, plus some fun. It reminds me a lot more of working out with my trainer at the gym. Also, it's nicer than the original WiiFit. Though it took me several workouts to realize it was telling me "nice cadence" instead of "nice cans". Kinda disappointing, actually. I happen to think my cans are amazing!)

Really, is the gym more beneficial than the massage? The gym can work out some frustration and anger. But the massages can help with my anxiety, my headaches, my TMJ...

Maybe I made the wrong choice. (Convince me and I'll tell my sugar daddy Joe I need both and I'll just sell a kidney to afford it.)

But so yeah, that's my confession for today. Weak. That's also my post for today. Weak.

Know what's not weak? Looking forward to monthly massages. BOOYAH.


Beth in NC said...

Coming over from SITS. ;o) I think massages sound great!


betty said...

I think you made a great choice with a massage over a gym membership. As long as you get some type of exercise (brisk walking is great too), and modify what you eat which I think you already know to do that, a gym membership isn't that big of a deal to trade off on something that seems more beneficial to help with some medical issues you have. I say go for it! you know down the line if you change your mind, some gym always seems to have some deal going

I've never had a massage but my son had one once when he had a sore back and he said if he could afford it, he'd definitely have more


Toriz said...

Well, if you've got all those things for the Wii then you don't really need to go to the gym. Just use those Wii things regularly.

xxx said...

after reading how long the 6WS list has grown I believe that you deserve a weekly massage.

massages are wonderful!

here's a tip... try to drink plenty of water after a massage as they release a lot of toxins that need to be released.

take care and enjoy
best wishes

blognut said...

I think it sounds like a fine decision for you!

Happy massages!

Rochelle said...

Even better if you get a massage therapist named Andre! I think you are on the right road to health, you know what you need to do for you.


C. Beth said...

Hey, it sounds like a great pan to me!

Eric said...

No one has to pay anything for situps and pushups at home, and running around where you live should be ok unless there is tons of traffic or something. So massages might be the best option.

I just go to the gym because it would be impractical for all the weights, the pool, and the treadmill at home. I don't know what it is, but I workout harder around other people I think.

I Love Brownies said...

I just found you and you are what we call, in the south, a HOOT! So..yeah..I gotta follow you. Not in a creepy way, though.
Ok..I think Brownies cures just about anything but then - I pretty much an NOT anxious about anything...any more. That's a lie but I'm learned to deal with it quite well. Have you heard of EFT. It's a tapping thing and it's so bizarre that I thought - why not try it? I have no idea HOW but it works. Google it (Emotional Freedom Technique). It's weird ...but quite effective. SO..that's my 2 cents which cost you nada. :-)

2cats said...

I vote for the massage. You can work out at home with the Wii, and then go for a message to have all the knots taken away like magic.

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

I'm completely jealous of your massages. You make a good point about the gym not helping with overeating, and I think I'll stick with NO gym membership just for that reason. I like to eat.

EA Active is worth it, then? If I don't have to drive to get there, it works better for me (and hey, I'm going to eat that pint of ice cream anyway...)

wirelessnunchuck said...

EA Active is way better than WiiFit. I recommend anyone with a balanceboard to buy it.

Jenn@ You know... that Blog? said...

You did the right thing!! You're either going to exercise or you're not, and going to the gym over doing it at home is no contest. At home you don't have to look perky or even get dressed. If you don't want to. You know.

Loooooove the massages membership - that rocks. You'll find it very beneficial therapy on all sorts of levels. Good for you!!

Hey, hope you participate in my Silly Haiku Wednesday coming up! This week's theme is "Summer Time". I know you'll be brilliant at it!

Lifeofkaylen said...

Totally jealous of the massage enrollment!!! Every time I go there, I consider it.
more importantly---I get massages to help with my tmj too!!!!