STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

I'm Back!

Oh, blog and bloggy friends, how I have missed you!!! I've returned from an amazing trip to Texas and I have so many adventures to share. Pages and pages of notes for random crap inspired stories.

Just give me a chance to catch my breath and I promise lots of new posts next week. Maybe one tomorrow. Plus, technically today is First Fursday and it's possible that the fur-freaks have queued up a post while I was away.

So glad to be back!

P.S. REWARD OFFERED! If anyone caught the description and/or plate number of the allergy truck that ran me over in the Houston airport yesterday, I will send you seven hundred forty-six MEELION dollars all the cat hair you can eat.

P.P.S. A girl goes away for a few days and Blogger changes stuff. Why are my labels on the left? What's this "location" thing? My location is undisclosed, psychos!

P.P.P.S. Anyone know where I can buy a kid-sized pink or purple bandana?

P.P.P.P.S To the person who left a comment about grabbing a drink in Houston: I just saw your message now. Dammit!


John said...

Glad to have you back!

That same allergy truck backed hit me & then backed over me several times, but that offer about all the cat hair I can eat sounds downright tempting.

Can't wait to hear your recap of your mad adventures :-)

Unknown said...

Try a craft and fabric store for the bandanas. I've see standard bandanas in tons of colors at our Joann Fabric in town. They are regular size but would probably due.
(Why does Firefox thing bandana is spelled wrong?)

I'm glad you had a mostly good trip and that you made it home safe.

TMC said...

you went to Texas? for fun?

Grand Pooba said...

dammit I wanted to have a drink with you!

Toriz said...

Hope you had at least a mostly enjoyable trip, and I look forward to reading those posts! :)

Toriz said...

Oh, and welcome back!

GIOVANNI said...

waiting for 6ws.. greetings from Philippines..Happy Mothers day for Sunday.