STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Dinner of Champions

One of the yummiest meals we had in Texas was at Chuy's. If you ever have a chance to eat there, try the creamy jalapeno dressing. Try it on salad, on tortillas, dip in it, roll in it, bathe in it. It's THAT good. You'll thank me.

On our second night in Austin, we weren't really feeling like going out. It had been a long, cold, rainy day and we decided to get some wine and hang out in the hotel room. This is the night the power went off. This is also a night that the GPS had its way with us. And this is the night that we ate the Dinner of Champions.

First, we went in search of wine. Joe ignored the GPS for awhile and we finally ended up at an HEB (grocery store) in a not-so-great part of town. Twice we were asked by other shoppers for cash because they didn't have enough money for their purchases. (Protip: put the beer back before you ask me for money.)

Once we had purchased our wine, we made our way back to the safety of our glorious Super 8, stopping next door at Jack in the Box. Add our new purchases to our Chuy's leftovers and you get our Dinner of Champions:

And yes, we DID drink wine out of paper Super 8 cups. Totally keeping it classy.


Maude Lynn said...

You didn't just drink out of the bottle? You guys are classy!

Whitney said...

Wow, that is truly classy.
Once time when J and I were staying at a hotel, (I think it was for our first Valentine's Day) he bought 2 cheap (and really ugly) glasses for us to drink our wine out of. I still have them, but God are they UGLY!

Unknown said...

That actually sounds like a fun evening to me. A little adventure, using what you have available to you (paper hotel cups), yummy food and the company of your loved one.

Toriz said...

Not my kind of meal - I don't drink alcahol, for a start - but glad you enjoyed!