STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

This Ends With Me Feeling Lame Regardless

I have a little situation. By which I do NOT mean "it's a huge situation and I'm freaking out and HALP!!!!". I mean, it's a small inconsequential kind of thing. But still, I wonder if there's a way to handle it that doesn't leave me feeling like a jerkface.

My brother's birthday was last weekend and I was too lazy busy with classwork to get him a card. Instead, I did the next best totally over-the-top sister thing and sent him a book from his Amazon wish list. I figured the book was $10, free 2-day shipping (love Prime!), and more practical than hauling my busy self around town to pick up a $4 card plus postage and it wouldn't get there until after his birthday due to the holiday.


The book was delivered on Friday. And left on his front porch according to UPS. I tried to call him on his birthday but no answer. Here we are on Wednesday and I haven't heard from him. And here's where the "now I end up looking like a jerkface so what do I do" part.

Option A: I call or email him and say "Hey, hope you had a swell birthday, umm, did you get the gift I sent?" This means I'm a jerk because it sounds like I'm fishing for a pat on the back and I'm calling out the birthday boy for being rude and not acknowledging the gift.

Option B: I don't bring it up and just hope he got it instead of the neighbor. It was only $10 so it's not like I'm out a whole lot. And I don't make my brother feel like a slacker. But then I'll always wonder if he got it...

See? Told you it was trivial. But I never know how to handle that because I want to make sure the gift was received (what if it was a larger gift?) but I also don't want to be fishing for thank yous or making the recipient feel bad.

I think the only option really is to buy gifts just for me. I always tell myself thank you. I'm awesome like that.


C. Beth said...

I think you have a good relationship with your brother from what I've read. So if it were me (and I really like my brother too), I'd say #1 is just fine. You just want to make sure it got there.

CiCi said...

I don't waste a minute worrying or wondering about things any more. I would call my brother and ask him straight out, did you get the birthday present book I sent you???

Linda said...

Cate...just go ahead and sent a gift and just want to know if he got it.

Then tell him what you just told us...that you don't want a pat of the back...just wanted to know if he got it.

Then tell him you hope he had a nice day..and that you love him! ((smile))

But...the idea to just buy things for yourself wasn't a bad idea either! Ha!

Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

Kathy said...

Go ahead and call him, ask if he had a nice b'day, then if he doesn't say "thanks for the book" first, ask him if he got your gift...

Betty W said...

I agree with TechnoBabe. Call him already! :)

Intense Guy said...

Actually- your brother should have/or should soon send you a thank you card for your gift (if he got it).

I think that is the "real" purpose of a "thank you card" anyway...


Toriz said...

I'd go with option one, personally.

Caty said...

I would definitely ask my sister if she got it. Just tell him you wanted to make sure. but I like the idea of buying gifts for yourself too! :)

Unknown said...

I would like to pick door number one please.

holly said...

or option c, "accidentally" send him a link to your blog.

Jeanie said...

It sounds like you have gotten a clear messgae, and maybe you have already made the call, but I say call him. It will at least make you feel better.

betty said...

call or email him as a follow up about the book as you want to make sure it got delivered and not taken by someone happening to walk by. I think he will be glad to hear from you either way and then you can pat yourself on the back and buy something for yourself for being such a great sister :)

I like Prime too on Amazon but I had to "let it go". Gave me too much incentive to spend too much there......


Amanda said...

I'd ask him's your brother after all.
I also like what Holly had to say! :)