STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday Full of Happy

I really struggled with a topic for today's post. This has been a really hard week for me and yesterday started off exceptionally bad. Last night, I spent at least two hours staring at a blank 'new post' page, trying to think of anything at all I could write about.


So this morning on the drive to work, I decided I'd focus on some good things. Hence, Friday Full of Happy. We'll see, this may become a somewhat regular thing. Fridays tend to be hard days for me to come up with posts and I can almost always benefit from taking stock of the good stuff.

I do, however, feel it's important to mention that Princess Andy's happy hole and my happy are quite unrelated I think.

Here goes!

  • Despite not having any nearby besties, I have some of the best online buds in the world.
  • Special shout to a certain online friend for saving me from a complete meltdown yesterday. Your logical approach while still getting fired up on my behalf made an immeasurable difference.
  • In preparation for next week's acid test, I wasn't allowed to take any of my reflux meds yesterday - and I slept like a rock. It makes no sense but I'll take it!
  • I have no plans this weekend except for a massage tomorrow afternoon.
  • I'm feeling creative this morning and have great hopes for placing several posts in reserves.
  • Tonight I get to swear and scream at Joe under the guise of him performing the "every third day" maintenance on my toe herpes.
  • Speaking of toe herpes, cute Blogger guy responded to me again yesterday! Then SomeMonkey pointed out that he's married with three kids. So now I'm basically a homewrecker. With an STD on my foot.
  • Tonya let me cuddle with her this morning for a whole five minutes before she swatted me away.
  • I got a raise! It ain't much but I can probably afford a box of wine to celebrate.
Know what else would make me happy? There's this little blog I read. She doesn't post regularly but when she does, it's made of awesome. Plus, she gave me a bit of linky love in a really funny post yesterday. So go visit Sarah's blog, Oh, What the Crap, and add her to your blogroll.

And when you're done over there, head back this direction for Six Word Saturday tomorrow. We had a record number of participants last week and I'm so excited!

I think that's enough happy for one morning. I don't want to overdo it. But please leave a comment and tell me what's making you happy. Even if it's just the fact that we survived until another Friday, there must be something!


Hit 40 said...

Oh a massage!!! I have not had one for a couple years. Nice

sherri said...

You need to keep your toes out of the married guy's shoes! Just sayin'.

Glad you had some happy things come your way.

betty said...

congrats on the raise! I like your idea of Friday Full of Happy; hope you do it regularly! kind of like Thankful Thursday with a different twist

hoping you have a nice relaxful weekend!

what makes me happy??? let's see, today its cooler weather with a touch of fall in the air

enjoy :)


blognut said...

I love it when you're happy.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the massage!

SparkleFarkel said...

I use to post a blog entry daily (another time, another web planet), but found it maddening (AND so did my family). At first, it was fun. Then, it ate me up alive and when I wasn't thinking entirely in blog (which was ALL the time), I was on the floor gathering up the steady stream of marbles I was losing. That sort of daily grind I don't want to allow myself to struggle with anymore. I knew I had let it get out of hand when endorsing checks using "Cuckoo" as my signature seemed only natural. Nope. I do not want to go to there again. But that was just me. Possibly you have more than 24 hours in you're day? If so, I guess it will work for you. LOL! Best of luck!

Call Me Cate said...

I'm glad you're all happy I'm happy but why aren't you sharing YOUR happy?

C'mon people, we can all handle the happy! And better to spread happy than herpes. (I'm totally making shirts that say that.)

Grand Pooba said...

I'm happy because I get to babysit my nephew tonight and tomorrow!

Lindy said...

I'm happy because I'm sitting here eatin' some Sun Chips out of a little kid IKEA bowl catchin' up on blogs. Gonna go grab a bite with the big guy (not having to cook supper makes me happy)! Happy because grandson now pleads to spend the night with us. I could go on and on. A massage would make me very happy! Enjoy yours (just tell her -or him- to keep away from the toe)!

2cats said...

I'm happy because:

My big monthly shopping is finished.
Tomorrow will not be 96 degrees, it is supposed to be cooler.
That I have central air.
I now have a date for the second cataract surgery (09/17)
My eye doctor is going to see my of charge!

Just say Julie said...

I hope your massage experience is better than mine :) and yay for some Friday happiness- I had to start work today, which did not make me happy, but I also got lot of new school supplies, which makes me giddy!

Sassy Britches said...

You, Happy = Me Happy.

And I just ate a Blizzard.

Jan Holt said...

Glad you were having a happy Friday fest... I need to do that too.

Hope the toe herpes is getting better. Made my foot itch in sympathy.

Clueless_Mama said...

It looks like you have a great list there. I love the massage idea. I could sure use one. :) Visting from Saturday SITS Sharefest

Toriz said...

Happy things... Well, let's see... I'm about half way through the hat I'm knitting, which I wanted to be at least half way through by the end of the month, so I'm ahead of schedule on knitting it. Does that count?

Sorry, can't think of much else right now.