STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

300 times, at band camp...

Hey remember that time I posted about why pandas suck? Or maybe the time I posted about the <3 cakes?

Today is post #300 on this blog. And to apologize for celebrate all of the stuff I've posted, I want to compile a sort of "greatest hits" page to link from my Twitter profile. I saw the idea on SITS a week or so ago and thought it made sense. But I need your help. What posts have stood out for you? Some of you have been following me for awhile now. (Again, I feel like I should apologize.)

You guys make it all worth it. Whether I'm being silly, whining about stupid stuff, sharing an actual legit concern, or mumbling about celery, y'all have got my back. And I've got yours with a swift punch to the face for anyone that messes with my people.

There are going to be a few changes coming soon but I'll explain as they happen. Nothing too major so you can definitely live in fear of count on another 300 posts!


Lora said...

I'm terrible at picking out posts, but I can't believe it's been 200 posts since number 100!

Hit 40 said...

Oh my gosh!!! I can not even remember what I write. This is like the kids at school thinking that I should remember their name. LMAO!! Sorry :-(

The Wife O Riley said...

The panda post was definitely my favorite.

Moxie said...

Foot herpes. :) Skanky feet make me mucha happy.

In fact, if I could draw Cate, I'd make a comic book "What your foot is doing while your sleeping" and dedicate it to you.

Housewife Savant said...

Congrats on your three-hundereth post. It's quite a feat.

Intense Guy said...


I enjoyed the "Let's talk about sex" post.. and the one that your cat guest posted for you.

Toni said...

Wow! Congratulations on 300 posts!

I haven't been following you that long so I don't know which I would pick. Although, I really liked "Appeasing the masses."

betty said...

congrats on reaching 300 posts!! I read about the pandas and the cake(s); how sweet Joe was; how silly pandas are, now I can't get that image out of my mind about them and sex, ewww.....

have to know, did the diet work? I looked at it and it seems reasonable, must be in the bathroom a lot though....

I haven't been following you that long, but the story about the bug when you lived in one of your less ideal apartments comes to mind as a good one of yours

looking forward to whatever changes you intend to make....


Tina said...

Sorry, I haven't been following you for very long... My favorite so far has been: I have an STD

C. Beth said...

Congrats!!! Okay, I vote for 6WS series, & Gordon Ramsay's Escalope recipe since it rocks.

quilly said...

I am too new here to be much help picking favorites. I missed most of the first 300 but I am definitely looking forward to the next 300.

Unknown said...

it is going to be at least a few hours while i delve through your archives.

but it should distract the building anxiety attack;)


p.s. i'll be back. (said with a terminator inflection)

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

Since I have the memory of an eraser, I'm going to go with your recent post about punching Facebook in the face. I hate quizzes, apps, reports on quizzes and apps... Please stop sending me drinks. If I can't down it, I don't want it! And stop smiling at me! It creeps me out. Stupid Facebook. I was also recently rejected, which may have a minor influence on this rant.

Sassy Britches said...

I liked the one when you went nuts about a birthday cake with something weird written on it, and all the laser talk.

And oddly, enough, I liked the Kindle review!

Congrats on 300!

blognut said...

Well... which ones do YOU like best?

silver star said...

I don't remember all the posts you've wrote, the ones that do stick out in my mind is the foot herpes one (lmao on that one) and the ones involving the hot shirtless neighbor that jogs by your house. Maybe a picture of said neighbor? I'm sure he won't mind.

Unknown said...

okay, so i totally forgot to do what i said i was going to.

this is reason #5874 why i don't have/keep/need friends.

i digress.

MY favourite posts are often the "first fursday" ones.

i laugh my freakin' ass off every time.

you should link them bad boys up.

plus, it made me fall in love with tonya. and when i get my i <3 tonya t-shirt i'll totally post a picture for her to see. from the coffee table;)


Unknown said...

My most recent fave (cause my memory sucks) is the Wanted: One BFF one. Which is why it's still sitting in my reader, marked to comment on, because... well, I was going to say because it deserves me to actually pay attention when commenting, but mainly cause I'm lazy.
My memory only goes back a week or so - sorry!!!
The STD one was pretty damn funny too :)

Toriz said...

I've not been following your blog long, so can't help with best bits really. You do have an interesting blog though... Very thought provoking posts, and your posts make me chuckle more often than not. I love the way you look at things, so don't appologise for being you.