STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Freshman Flashback

I remember well my first semester of college. Specifically, that first Christmas. It was a major change from how I had experienced Christmas in the past.

As a member of our high school's very own glee club (minus the talent, apparently, to barf up killer choreographed performances at a moment's notice) and the church choir, we began practicing our holiday tunes in September. By December, I was pretty much over it. I always looked forward to the Advent season at church though, as we lit candles in the Advent wreath and listened to stories of how the world prepared for the coming of the Savior.

Then, college. After having church crammed down my throat for all of my early years, I did what most college students do - I didn't attend a single church service all semester. Our school had no music program so I wasn't buried in holiday rehearsals. All focus was on completing the semester and passing final exams.

Suddenly, it was mid-December and I hadn't given Christmas any thought but BAM there it was! It was hard to shift gears and find my Christmas spirit on such short notice.

That's the freshman flashback I'm having this year. Buried in classes that mostly ended ten days ago but still dealing with a straggler - my self-paced PR class still has an outstanding final that won't be complete until next Monday. Add to that so much work-related drama, and suddenly it's December 17th and I'm staring down serious gift-buying deadlines.

For extra fun, I'm disenchanted by the commercialism of the holiday and the greediness of my family as gift recipients. I'm completely uninspired to buy gifts for them. I'm also at an interesting place regarding my personal beliefs about religion so that skews the season a bit as well.

Any advice for how to find a little Christmas cheer when you're just not feeling it? Because I need to seriously find mine ASAP, otherwise it will be too late.


Unknown said...

We are seriously limiting out gift buying this year. Kids will still get showered in toys, because they still need that magic. The adults, however, will be getting the pleasure of our company and some delicious baked treats. I feel like for my family it is time to get back to the good old time joy of the season stuff, and spending time with family. Without that, it would just be another reason to be stressed out.

Toriz said...

I'm having similar issues this year. Not due to classes, but due to family events. My advice to you is to watch some Christmas movies, look at some Christmas decorations, and - if you get the oppertunity - watch some children getting excited about Santa Claus. If that doesn't help you find your Christmas spirit at least just a little bit, then I don't know what will.