STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010


Lately, with so much going on, I find myself constantly saying things and then following them with "in my free time".

And then I laugh, because who am I kidding? Free time?

So I've come up with a great scheme to help free up some of my time and because I'm such a giver, I'm going to share my secret with all of you. Ready?

It's brilliant!

You'll wonder why nobody has thought of it sooner!

Okay, here's the plan. From now on, every time I find myself wanting to say "in my free time", I'm instead going to abbreviate it as "IMFT". It will be so efficient that it will eventually free up enough time that I might be able to get to some of those projects I've had to put on the backburner.

Yeah, too bad you didn't come up with it first. I'm totally filing for a patent. IMFT.


mo.stoneskin said...

From now on, for Efficiency's and Expediency's sake, I'm going to abbreviate every comment I leave to


mo.stoneskin said...


Toriz said...

It was someone like you who came up with that TGIF thing, wasn't it?

Shanel said...

acronyms...that's a hard one...:)

Caty said...

I love it!

blognut said...

But what about the amount of time you'll have to spend explaining it to people? Won't that absorb whatever time you gain?

Brenda Susan said...

Ha! Yah that would work if I didn't need to stop and figure it out every time!

C. Beth said...

I'm going to use it as much as possible (IMFT) until that patent is filed (IYFT.)