STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Not usually a fan of discipline

About ten days ago, after a dry spell, I had so many ideas for posts that I could barely contain myself. I wrote, I scheduled, I tweaked, I edited and I was in blog-topic heaven.

And then there's this week. Tomorrow is Earth Day so that's already planned (with some revised participation info that is less exclusive). But I had nothing for yesterday, nothing for today, nothing beyond tomorrow.

Sometimes that's nice. Yesterday morning, Joe inadvertently provided me with a post. It's so lovely when life cooperates that way! Unfortunately, my mind doesn't always see such clear connections between situations and blog fodder.

Earlier this month, I had a day when I just didn't feel like posting. That's rare for me - usually I want to post, I just struggle with topics. You shared some great ideas about Blogging Without Obligation (BWO). Which is lovely and I agree in principle. This blog is meant to be an outlet, not an obligation. Yet it doesn't quite fit with my own writing philosophy.

I have a compulsive need to post every day. And of course I want to post something decent. If I give myself a day off under the idea of BWO, it's not going to be long before that turns into two days, a week, then bye-bye blog. I've known me long enough to know how I work.

This weekend, C. Beth posted about her approach to blogging and writing. She calls it Blogging With Discipline. Every day, she sits and writes, leaving herself available and open to inspiration. I don't know why this was such an "aha" to me - every article about writing that I've ever read encourages you to write regularly, even if it's unfocused, just to stay in the habit.

I love her tagline - regular writing, occasional brilliance. Sometimes I think I do stumble upon good stuff. And sometimes, there is no brilliance - I like to refer to this as "puking up a post". It might not be pretty but there it is!

Please read her post - she does a much better job of explaining it than I do. Then after you read it, picture a P.S. from your pal Cate that says "Yeah, what she said!!!". This also happens to be in good keeping with her other blog - The One Minute Writer.

So, while I appreciate the idea of blogging without obligation, I'm going to throw into C. Beth's blogging with discipline club. It's more in harmony with how I need to work. Plus, I heard there might be cool jackets.


mo.stoneskin said...

I'll head over there later - I should be working now ;)

I don't think I've ever read a puked up post by you, though I did nearly gag laughing a few times, which could have resulted in puke...

Donnetta said...

I'm all for a cool jacket!! BUT I don't do well with discipline or structure for that matter so I'm gonna have to keep flying by the seat of my pants!

Miranda said...

Stopping in from SITS. I also feel the NEED to blog daily but sometimes I'm "puked out" and can't think of anything clever to write. I feel like I should provide some type of useful info or something. hahaha

Well have a good day. :)

tinkalicious said...

I too feel I "need" to post everyday, why is that? Same as art, you should experience it at least everyday, in some form or other, or so they say!

C. Beth said...

Wow, Cate, thank you for the shout-out! I'm so glad this concept works for you. I think for both of us this is how we work already--it's just nice to have such a positive term for our obsession. ;)

Call Me Cate said...

Mo - work is way overrated. Blogging is much more exciting. I've definitely puked up a post a time or two - either in that it was just horrible content/effort or that I decided to quit thinking and just post (that happens most often with migraines, meds, or drinks). Please don't choke on my blog.

Donnetta - Everyone works differently, nothing wrong with that. I'm not so much a "seat of my pants" kinda girl.

Mya - thanks for stopping by! I've been struggling with the focus/purpose question lately as well. What am I doing here?

tinkalicious - One of my "other" blogs has a little calendar in the corner - the days with posts are colored differently than the days without posts. Which leads to me feeling all weird if they aren't colored consistently. Hence the daily posting!

C. Beth - it's definitely nice to have a positive way of wording it. And while I'm not huge on displaying a million buttons, it also doesn't hurt to have a shiny button explaining the idea!

Unknown said...

i think the idea of taking a few minutes every day to sit down and write is a great idea.

sometimes you might wonder the next day "the hell?..." but @ least you stimulated the good ol' creative juices!

and i like your puke posts.

so whatever.

blognut said...

I totally want the jacket!

Andi said...

Great find Cate!

TMC said...

I love this idea!

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

Where is this blogging without obligation everyone is referring to today? I'm not in the know. (I know everyone is shocked)

I think it's nice that you know yourself well enough to know what you need, and focus on that. I need to check out C. Beth.

Call Me Cate said...

andy - I very often wake up the next day wondering why I thought something was a good idea to post the night before.

blognut - You'll have to ask C Beth about the jacket. I may have completely made that part up. But I bet it wouldn't make your ass look large?

Andi - It was one of those posts that resonated with me. She's good at that.

TMC - Wish I could claim it was my own idea. Because that would be cool.

RAS - You should totally check out her blog. Most days I go away from her posts with a smile or something to think about, which I think is what I look for most in blogs I follow.

Toriz said...

Every article and book I've ever read about writing stresses that... "write a little each day." And my writing teacher stressed it too. Even if what you write is a load of rubbish, at least you're getting in some practice. Besides, sometimes random writing does produce something great.

It works the same with whatever you do... Practice, practice, practice.... Isn't that the general rule?

larkswing said...

:) That is cute (especially since I am in a blogging/reading/FB funk)! I have had ideas, just can't seem to get them out my fingers and through the keyboard. ahhh, maybe tomorrow! hehe


Anonymous said...

I love this! I don't post nearly enough as I want to. Mostly because not much of it is brilliant. This idea makes it okay to only be brilliant occasionally. But the regular part is needed too.

Grand Pooba said...

Yeah, I sit down every OTHER morning at the computer with no clue about what I'm going to write about. But if I don't feel like writing, I just don't. I think it'd be a good thing to discipline yourself and just start writing no matter what because once I finally do start writing it just starts flowing. Good advice!

Cathy said...

I do good to publish a post or two a week. I need discipline...spank me and put me in the corner! :-)

Call Me Cate said...

Tori - I keep trying to figure out why I started this blog and my purpose was twofold I think - anonymous place to discuss private things and as a writing tool. Given the 2nd, I should probably practice every day.

lailani - Just type them out. I have a lot of drafts that will probably never see the publish button.

crookedmadestraight - If I only hit publish on my brilliant posts, I'd post about twice a month.

Grand Pooba - Nothing wrong with not if you don't feel like it. I kinda wish I could let myself do that.

Cathy - wow, spanking! Welcome to my blog!

Anonymous said...

That is a good idea! True-with continual writing something brilliant is bound to come up!

Melissa B. said...

Thanks for the link. I often find myself looking for inspiration from the blogosphere when the well's run dry...

MuseSwings said...

I've been in a bit of a dry spell myself, and I didn't feel like posting yesteerday - so I didn't. I've known for years about spending time writing every day - but do I?? Thanks for the link while I think about what to post today...

Tiffany said...

The discipline is hard. I think it's always good to write lots when inspiration strikes.

Megan said...

I totally agree. I feel like I *have* to post something every day. And I always have to have them scheduled to post at midnight so I have one for *every* day not a few on one day and then "skip" a day. A lot of times I have no idea what to post about, but I try to get something out there just to have it out there even if it's a bunch of crap. lol