STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Announcing Earth Day 2009: Updated

Update: Because I don't feel like rewriting this entire post, I will post the official "rules" as such on April 22nd. But the highlights are that there will still be a giveaway but it will not require a mailing address, therefore opening it to everyone for participation.

In honor of Earth Day on April 22nd, I thought I'd attempt to organize a bit of a blog tour. This will also be my first ever giveaway! Please be patient with me and we'll hope I don't screw it up.

I'm going to keep things as simple as possible because, well, I find a lot of contests to be very confusing. One entry for tweeting, one for posting, one for following, one for each comment that references your name. I appreciate all that stuff but I fail at math have more important things to do with my time want to make this easy on everyone so here are the rules:
1. On April 22nd, post about a way that you support a clean environment.
2. Include a link back to this site.
3. Link to your post on April 22nd in the Mr. Linky I'll post here.
4. Be willing to provide me with a mailing address if you win.
I'm still ironing out details of the prize (I won't be giving away a hybrid car or solar panels for your house but just a little something) but at this point it appears I'll only be able to mail to the continental US. To be eligible, your link must be entered into Mr. Linky by 11pm (EDT). I will verify links throughout the day to make sure the simple rules are followed and reserve the right to remove links if necessary. On April 23, I'll let draw a winner from the Mr. Linky participants. I also reserve the right to update the rules if I missed something (for those of you who have done this before, please tell me if I'm screwing it up already!).

And because I know how you all love shiny buttons, I created one that you may use for this. Though, it's not required I'd appreciate help spreading the word.


TMC said...

oooowheee! I do love a contest! And buttons!

I put the button on my blog (which I swear I'll get around up updating one of these days.) :)

Intense Guy said...

I put the button on my blog too!

C. Beth said...

I'll put your button on my sidebar!

Unknown said...

what the hell, cate?

the continental US only?

surely that doesn't exclude me?

does canada fall under the umbrella of continental US?

if it doesn't, i'm totally going to stop composting. just 'cause i'll be that upset.

Annelie said...

Fabulous, Cate!
I love your buttons! And, it sounds like a fun contest!


SparkleFarkel said...

What fun! Already, I feel like planting a tree! *unsuccessfully rummages around for a sapling* Hmm. Now where did I put that?? For now, I guess I'll just go hug one! *runs out the front door and heads for the little Annie Oakley, home on the tree-border range* What? You don't name your trees?!

mo.stoneskin said...

You don't like Europe?


I can still play right?

Call Me Cate said...

TMC - Germans love David Hasselhoff and bloggers love buttons. It's the way of the world!

Intense Guy - thank you! And thanks for stopping by!

C Beth - Thanks bunches, Beth!

Andy - I thought of you very specifically. I would love for you to participate. And if you win, we'll hook up a special prize. I'm just trying to ship directly from Amazon because I'm still all up in the witness protection program and all. Forgive me? Pretty please?

Snarky - Boredom at work leads to buttons. Figured I should have a contest to go along with it. Maybe next time I'll just have a contest to giveaway a button.

SparkleFarkle - I might name my lilac plant. Just for kicks. Do you think "Fred" is a good name?

Sass - my button would NEVER make your ass look big. My button comes in peace.

Mo - you can still play, just like Andy. I'll just come up with a consolation prize if you win. Or hand-deliver. I'm about due for another trip to Europe.

Lyndsay said...

FINALLY ... I contest that I don't need an advanced degree is statistics to participate in.


blognut said...

Did someone say button?

I want a button. What does it do?

If I push the button, does it get me coffee or play a song?

Oh, all right. I'll push the button and find out.

Why do you always have to have your way?

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

I will most definately post this fab button on my site! Now... to think of something I do for the planet... does killing plants help in any way? I'm good at that.

Off to add your newest piece of artwork to my blog.

Andi said...

Cute idea!

Sassy Britches said...

Button up! Ideas brewing! Can't wait!

Call Me Cate said...

Lyndsay - I can't handle the new math. Maybe next time but for my first one, I wanted things as simple as possible.

blognut - if you push the button, I'll sing you a song. You might want to grab your own coffee though. I really can't be trusted.

RAS - I'm not sure "killing plants" is in keeping with the spirit of the day. I'm awesome at it as well though!

Andi - thanks!

Sassy Britches - can't wait to see what's in that head of yours.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great idea!!

Kirsten said...

I'm not in the U.S. so I can't enter, but I've posted about some of our family's plans for Earth Day on my blog

I’ve also posted an Earth Day Challenge on my blog, and if anyone is interested in joining, come on over and post your plans for celebrating Earth Day with your family! I have a toddler, but all ages are welcome!

Toriz said...

I'm not in the US, so I can't enter... But it does sound like a great first compatition. Good luck with it. :)

Grand Pooba said...

No hybrid car? Aww, common!