STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

4am ramblings

I have a confession to make... Nope, I don't. You're not getting a confession this Sunday. Instead you get the rambling recap of my Saturday from my sick (as in ill, not dirty) mind which is angry for being awake at such an unreasonable hour. Thanks to Wife of Riley for the idea.

Saturday started with two panic attacks. See, other than being sick (and not sleeping Friday night), I haven't had much to worry about the past few days so I decided to start spazzing over taxes. Panic attack #1 = talking about taxes at breakfast. I knew we would owe but no idea how much. I hate the unknown. Also, Joe mentioned the possibility of a penalty? He decided the best way to settle me down was to start plugging numbers into TurboTax. Panic attack #2 = the horrendous amount we owed after entering our W-2s. Thanks, Joe, not so helpful so far! HALP!!! But then we started putting in our deductions and even playing it safe with our estimates, we were able to reach a point where the payment to the feds is about equal to the refund from the state so we should be ok.

On to shopping. We needed to buy floodlights, a door, and a ceiling fan for our porch. The first Lowes was a complete loss. The door we wanted was a special order for $150. No fans we liked. All the lights had stupid motion sensors on them. I don't want to light up the neighbor's bathroom at 2am because a cow-colored cat is in the backyard. (Yeah, cow-colored. I should explain but I don't feel like it right now.)

On to Home Depot. Still no luck with fans but we did manage to find the floodlights and magic bulbs that cost only $1.26 to operate for the next 500 years. Even better, we found the same door, in stock, for $75. Win! Except, ever try to fit a 36x80 inch door in a Prius? Fail! It was actually a lot closer than we first thought. Literally one inch kept the hatch from closing. Joe used some little cables to sorta keep the hatch shut and left me at Target (no room in the car for the woman!) while he took the door home. So panic attack #3 = the loading of the door into the car and subsequent wait at Target for him to confirm he had gotten home safely. How's a girl supposed to shop and waste money when she's picturing her porch door falling out on the highway and her husband driving the car off the road in a fireball?

On to Lowes #2. They had exactly ONE ceiling fan (in two colors!!!) that was outdoor rated and Energy Star certified. Are we asking too much? An outdoor fan that's energy efficient and not vomit-inducing amounts of ugly? And where do you buy ceiling fans besides Home Depot and Lowes? All of the local lighting places seem to be closed on Sundays so now we're screwed because we're supposed to have the fan by Monday even though there's no ceiling in place and now we're going to be stuck with an ugly cheap looking fan in our really nice porch or we'll have to get one that's not energy efficient and the devil will own our souls and polar bears will drown and hey is it hot in here and no I am NOT being bitchy to you, if you think this is bitchy then you are sadly mistaken because you ain't seen nothing yet and fine then let's just go home for the night because I HATE EVERYBODY!!! Guess that would qualify as panic attack #4. And my apologies to Joe (and everyone else within earshot which probably means the entire county).

Panic attack #5 was a given - we stopped at Trader Joes. I <3 Trader Joes but it's always very crowded and my claustrophobia is the boss of me there.

It didn't help that I'm still the walking dead with this plague meth withdrawal cold. I took a 12-hour dose of cough medicine that lasted all of 4 hours before I started coughing again. Let's see, I took it at 10:30, went to bed at 11:30, and woke up coughing at 2:30. Three hours of sleep, fabulous. And now I can't take anything again for another 6.5 hours.

So welcome to a day in the life of a girl called Cate. I wonder if I can sleep now... Or not.


Lora said...

holy crap. to all of that.

i tend to schiz out with certain meds, and everything else you just mentioned too. i can't imagine all of it happening at once.

and i totally am buying two cow colored cats when my current cat- well- cats only last but so long.

anyway, i am buying two cow cats and naming them bessie and elsie.

now, i'm not wishing my cat dead or anything,she's by bff. but i've been wanting cow cats for quite some time.

Melissa B. said...

Ah, the Saturday Shopping Craze. I spent yesterday shopping for bargains at stores that are going out of business...Circuit City, World Market, Linens & Things...BTW, 2 things: Don't forget today's Silly Sunday Sweepstakes. AND, please come over to my place to vote for the Hubz, Mr. Fairway. Thanks!

Call Me Cate said...

Wow, I think you get me. Which makes me feel sorry for you maybe.

I mean, they say people need 8 hours of sleep, right? I'm sure they meant to spread it over 3 nights.

Cow-colored cats are a Joe thing. But I think Bessie and Elsie are the best names ever for them.

Bella@That damn expat said...

I know panic attacks. I dealt with them some years ago, sought out help and it's behind me now.

I wrote a post about it a while ago, you can find it under 'about me'.

Oh and thanks for stopping by my blog and following!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about your panic attacks. My husband has those and goes to acupuncture to help them.

The Wife O Riley said...

I have had that exact rant in Home Depot! I hope you feel better soon!

Juliet Colors said...

Oh, boy, I've had shopping days like that, and I wasn't even sick at the time. (Well, not physically, anyway.) As far as I'm concerned, being sick (and sleep-deprived), AND going impossible shopping gives you a free pass on whatever behavioral response you come up with. If my mental state is anything at all less than prime, shopping is just about all it takes to put me over the edge. (Just ask my poor husband.)

I hope you feel better soon.

Melissa said...

Oh man. I hope your Sunday is much better.

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

I hope you were able to get back to sleep this morning. I had to wait til Sprinkles fell asleep.

I don't understand the fan thing - is it the season? Shouldn't be that hard, should it?

Annelie said...

I'm so sorry about your terrible Saturday! I hope you feel better soon, and that you can finally get some sleep tonight!

Anonymous said...

What an AWFUL Saturday! Hope you feel better today...

btw... concerning the cough meds... I'm a big fan of "drink the whole bottle and call me in the morning... if you wake up..."

Ann On and On... said...

I love good writing....and you do that,so I'll be back. CowCat? hummmm...panic attack is my middle name. Well, it is really Marie, but it should be.

Checking out my SITS-ers.

Now you can check out my new
gift-a-way....a fun Valentine's, lovey dovey, smell good bag of goodies.

Unknown said...

I hate shopping also...brings out the whole "i don't like people" thing inside of me. Re: sick, sorry...if it's any consolation, I still have syphilis;)

MuseSwings said...

Bummer of a Saturday - at least it was all combined with a sick day so you didn't waste one where you felt great.

I've tagged you for something - but it's fun. Honest!

Call Me Cate said...

Shopping today somehow outdid yesterday. We now have everything we need. And apparently it tired JOE out so he is snoring away on the floor. Me, still coughing, still not sleeping. My panic attacks are at least brief now when I have them, but usually not so many in a day.

Pamela said...

what is it with Trader Joes? It is just as crowded on a rainy Tuesday in March as it is on Christmas eve...still. You gotta love 'em.

blognut said...

Sorry about the panic attacks - I can refer you to a great therapist here in Illinois, but the commute might be tough for you.

Hope that plague is better soon.

Jan Holt said...

You rock my world. Thanks so much for the great post! I breathed a sigh of relief that your husband made it home in one piece with the door...