STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Someone like me

Know how small electrical appliances have bizarre warnings on them and you always think - who in the world would do something so stupid? because you know SOMEONE must've done it. And probably sued and won a bazillion dollars and now they have to put the warnings on there.

I'm talking about the hairdryer that specifies "Do not use in bath." Or, the label on peanut butter that says "WARNING: May contain nuts." Or the coffee that says "Contents may be hot."

So, coming soon to a store near you, a sports bra that says "WARNING: failure to wear correctly may result in chafing across the chest that looks like a horizontal surgical cut and no amount of aloe or antibiotic ointment or anything else you think of to put on it will make the burning stop."

And when you see that and you think what IDIOT managed to pinch the skin in their sports bra in such a way that this happened?, you can think of me. Because if it wasn't me personally, it was someone like me.




C. Beth said...


Also, I am quite curious to know how you were wearing it....

garage doors sydney said...

Sometimes warnings may look look like a stupid thing when you read it. But they put it there cause someone is dumb enough that it happened to them. Right?

Anonymous said...

I hope "she" is mending well. It sounds very uncomfortable.

Toriz said...

Ouch indeed!

So, are you getting that compensation money for them not warning you in advance?

Knocked Up in Bama said...

Uh, ouch. And I'm intriguied...what sort of nazi bra was this??

Tami said...

I had similar thoughts about the list of things I can't take on an upcoming flight: hand grenades, spear gun... Did someone actually think that would be ok?

Hope your "friend" has recovered from her bra mishap and is exercising safely now. :)

Ronalee said...

I think that sports bras should come with instructions on how to remove them. Someday I want to video myself taking it off, just to have to laugh at later.

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

Oh dear! Hope it heals soon. (Yet another reason for me not to bother with them.)

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

Oh dear! Hope it heals soon. (Yet another reason for me not to bother with them.)

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

Oh dear! Hope it heals soon. (Yet another reason for me not to bother with them.)

Jim said...

The worst of my drams!!

I Am Not Superwoman said...

I have always wondered about stuff like that too. I hope, your fried, wink wink, is healing. That sounds like it would be very painful.