STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Friday, July 27, 2012

La Cucaracha

This happened yesterday morning while Joe was still other-coasting it for work.
me: Can our pest control do anything about cockroaches?
Joe: Ugh, another one?
me: Yeah, in the downstairs bathroom sink. I went in to check my face quick before I left and it was in there looking at me.
Joe: I'm sorry, I'll call tomorrow. What did you do?
me: I put on some water.
Joe: You mean, you sat down and had tea?
me: No, ew, I don't drink tea.
Joe: I don't follow.
me: I put on some water. Got it all boiling hot. Poured it down the sink. Goodbye Mr. Bug!
Joe: Seriously?
me: Seriously.
Joe: Why didn't you just squish it?
me: Ewww. That's even nastier than drinking tea.
Bugs should not be allowed to invade the house ever, but especially not when husbands are away.

P.S. Generally, I'm a non-violent person, even to bugs, (in practice anyways, not so much in words) but creepy bugs inside my house don't belong there. And if Joe's not home to catch and release, I do what I have to do to protect me and my kitties.


Annelie said...

I heard roaches have some chemical inside them, if you squish them it gets released, and sends scent signals to more of their kind to come find the corpse. I'm thinking boiling takes care of that. Ha! Well done. He had it coming as soon as he put foot (claw?) over the threshold of your house.

Unknown said...

I pretty much died laughing about the "put on some water" bit. I'm sorry that you had a roach but that was a giggle I really needed today.

Toriz said...

I'm with you; they shouldn't be allowed in the house, and if they insist on visiting when no husbands are around to remove them safely, well, then they must deal with the consequences of that!

Anonymous said...

Amen, sister! My preferred method of dealing with bugs is getting a bottle of shower cleaner (or some other chemical-ly cleaner) and spraying it to death. Never thought of the boiling water, though. I like it!

Tami said...

Bugs in the house and snakes in the yard deserve what happens to them when they trespass where they dont belong. No guilt!