STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

A new neighbor

We have another new neighbor to discuss. I'm not sure that he's "new" so much as our paths are suddenly crossing. I'm guessing his routine has changed, not mine.

But for the last two days when I've arrived home from work, this neighbor has been using the stop sign in front of my house to stretch before his run.

And yes, this is a good thing.

You've heard about Angry Neighbor. We also have Canadian Neighbor and Tree Hugger Neighbor. Now, we get to add Totally Hot Running Shirtless Neighbor.

I think he may be my favorite neighbor of all.

P.S. I am trying again to use Feedburner. I'm really hoping it behaves this time or I'll punch it right in the face (and disable it).


C. Beth said...

This post is not showing up on my RSS-enabled blog roll. :-/ I don't know what Feedburner has against you!!!

Unknown said...

gotta love totally hot running shirtless neighbour's.

if you need to deal with the others, at least he helps balance out the urge to punch the rest of them in the face.

now if only Georges St. Pierre would move next door to me in the ghetto. i could totally overlook the whole French thing.


Debbi said...

mmmm shirtless neighbours. I have one of those. I keep telling her it's inappropriate, but she can't hear me through her windows and can't see me behind my binoculars!

angi_b72 said...

nothing better taht a hot shirtless running neighbor!!

Lyndsay said...

I nee done of those neighbors, LOL.

If you ever figure out Feedburner, I'd love Feedburner For Dummies, how to install the sign-up by email option, LOL! I'm apparently not smart enough for Feedburner!

mo.stoneskin said...

I'm impressed that you appreciate your neighbours so much. I've always found neighbours pretty irritating. If hot shirt less runner played his music loud at night would that get you and your neighbours annoyed? I've never had good neighbours, whinge whine grumble...

SF said...

I'll trade you Hot No Shirt Running Neighbor for Old Bitchy Judgemental Neighbor!

Juliet Colors said...

FYI: This post is showing up in my reader (but not the second one).

I'm just grateful if my neighbors don't leave their disgusting furniture sitting out on the curb.

blognut said...

I live right next to a running path around a pond - I get to watch stuff like that everyday! I love hot shirtless neighbors who run!

Annelie said...

Congrats on the attractive shirtless neighbor. That is so much nicer than the unattractive shirtless variety. I have neither. I have neighbors who's dogs tried to eat my dog instead (poor Moo, he's scarred for life, but doing OK, as in, at least not dead). I would prefer even the unattractive shirtless variety over what I got, any day!

Jenna said...

My FYI is the same as Juliet's - this post is showing up in my reader, but not "this is a test".

Enjoy the Totally Hot Running Shirtless Neighbor some for me too. I live in a small town with nice neighbors... but they are all too old to be going around shirtless (this excludes the hubster of course).

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

Oooooh, a glass of wine, some chocolate truffles and a good view to the stop sign (or perhaps some binoculars?). You've got plans for the next time Joe leaves town!

Call Me Cate said...

C. Beth - I've tried to play nice but Feedburner is about due for a punch in the face. There's a crazy delay.

Andy - This guy is so nice and tan and smooth and... Yeah, I mean, I'm impressed by his dedication to running. That's what I mean.

Debbi - Haha, thanks for the laugh.

Angie - It's a big improvement over some of the other neighbors in the 'hood!

Lyndsay - It appears Feedburner and I shall never be friends. It's sad. I'd really like to invite it over for dinner but it won't play nice.

Mo - I try to look for the good. There are so many obnoxious neighbors, I focus on the hot ones. So far, this is the only one. And if he plays loud music, will depend on what it is and if I'm invited over.

SF - No thanks, though I do have Crazy Junk in Garage Now Moved It All Into the Front Lawn Neighbor if you'd like one of those!

Juliet - Thanks for the reader update. Our neighbors are pretty good about keeping the front of their houses looking ok. The people directly to the right of us had a lot of crap building up in the backyard for awhile though.

Blognut - so it's true what they say about Location, Location Location?

Snarky - What we need to do is move all of us with crappy neighbors into the same area, then we can all be awesome neighbors to each other.

Jenna - I should try to get some snappies and share him with you all. He's so pretty...

Call Me Cate said...

RAS - you snuck in. Perfection would be if this could all be visible from my porch. But I'll take what I can get! (Looking forward to 5pm!)

Grand Pooba said...

Why don't I have a Totally Hot Shirtless Neighbor?

hooray said...

HAWT shirtless neighbors are way cool! Mine has a hawt blonde pony tail and he drives a convertible! Love looking at him!

(Both your post showed up in my reader, btw.)

Megan said...

LOL Woohoo! for hottie neighbors! (I have none of those. Jealous.)

The Wife O Riley said...

So, is it safe to say that you are the "martini drinking, stalker of the hot running shirtless neighbor" neighbor?

Katie Lane said...

I need a neighbor like that! (this post appears in my google reader if that helps)

Call Me Cate said...

Pooba - because you have a totally hot shirtless husband? Dunno, just guessing.

She - I'm going to need to track the runner guy, see what kind of car he drives. Rawr!

Megan - Unfortunately, his hotness can't quite offset some of the other obnoxious things in the neighborhood. But it is a temporary reprieve!

Wife O Riley - I'm more of a wine or gin & tonic kind of girl. The rest is probably somewhat accurate. ;)

Katie Lane - I'll share this one. He's plenty of pretty for everyone!